Governor Mills: Getting Heating Relief into the Hands of Maine People Without Delay

Like many of you, I am deeply concerned about the impact that high energy prices – from home heating oil to electricity – are having on Maine families.

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

With the help of the Legislature, my Administration has already taken steps to help low and middle-income families, and older Maine people, and small businesses with the rising costs of energy. 

And this week, I’ve proposed an emergency winter energy relief plan to send more help to Maine people who need it the most this winter.

Here’s what’s in the emergency winter energy relief plan:

  • First, a Winter Energy Relief Payment of $450 to about 880,000 Maine people, or about $900 for the average Maine family. You will be eligible if you make less than $100,000 and file your taxes single or married and filing separately; of if you make less than $150,000 if you file as head of household; or if you make less than $200,000 if you file jointly; 
  • Secondly, there’s a $40 million fund to supplement the Home Energy Assistance Program to help recipients receive a financial benefit equal to last year’s, that’s LIHEAP;
  • Thirdly, $10 million to Maine Community Action Partnerships to help them deliver emergency fuel assistance to prevent people from running out of heating fuel and experiencing a heating crisis;
  • Fourthly, $21 million for the Emergency Housing Relief Fund. The Legislature and I created that fund earlier this year to support emergency housing and emergency shelters to keep people from experiencing homelessness this winter. 

This plan in total incorporates the feedback of both Republican and Democratic leadership in the Legislature. It also builds on the nation-leading inflation relief measures we delivered earlier this year and it is the fastest, most direct way to get help directly to Maine people as we work to bring down energy costs over the long-term.

We’ve got to ease the burden on Maine people by putting money back into their pockets so they can afford these energy costs and ensure that our most vulnerable citizens are able to stay warm this winter.

I ask the Legislature to pass this plan with the support needed to enact it as an emergency measure so we can this relief into the hands of Maine people without delay.

In the meantime, I am taking some executive action to distribute additional heating aid to low-income older Maine people. During the week of December 12, the Department of Health and Human Services will provide one-time payments of $500 to about 13,000 households which include low-income Maine people 65 or older to help them pay their heating costs.

With colder weather around the corner, please be sure to check-in on your neighbors and those who might be at risk. If you or someone you know needs resources to stay warm this winter, please look at our Winter Heating Guide. It’s found at 

This is Governor Janet Mills. Please stay warm and thank you for listening.

Governor Mills: An Emergency Winter Energy Relief Plan

Like many Maine people, I remain deeply concerned about the impact that high energy prices – from home heating oil to electricity – are having on Maine people.

This week, we got a bit of helpful news and I think it will help us finish up an emergency winter energy relief plan for the Legislature to consider.

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

The State of Maine budget continues to be in the black as a result of Federal support and the good fiscal management of my Administration and the Legislature.

Earlier this week, Maine’s nonpartisan Revenue Forecasting Committee upgraded the State’s General Fund revenue forecast by an additional $282 million for the current biennium, which ends June 2023.

These anticipated revenues will help us address Maine’s most pressing needs – like the need for emergency heating assistance for Maine families this winter.

With the help of the Legislature, my Administration has already taken direct action to help Maine people with the rising costs of energy. These acts include:

In the coming weeks, I’ll be working closely with the Maine Legislature to provide more financial relief – particularly for middle-class and low-income people whose incomes are stretched thin right now – and help them remain safe and secure in their homes this winter.

If you or someone you know needs resources to stay warm this winter, please take a look at our Winter Heating Guide at Help is available and more help is on the way.

This is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

Governor Mills: I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanksgiving is a time for Maine people to gather with family and friends and loved ones, to appreciate life’s blessings, and to welcome others to our tables, to our homes, and into our hearts.

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

This holiday season, I am so looking forward to playing with the grandchildren, cooking turkey and pies and green bean casserole, sharing time with my daughters and their children, and pausing at the very end of a very busy year to rest and reflect on the things for which I am most grateful.

A famous, ancient philosopher once said “gratitude is the highest virtue.” It is gratitude that should be in our hearts this weekend and every weekend.

And I am grateful that our state is blessed with people who value one another. People who extend a helping hand when neighbors need it most. People in Maine are independent and we are resilient, but we know we can rely on each other. 

So this Thanksgiving, let’s remember to take stock of life’s blessings, to share in love and laughter with our families and friends, and to reach out to those who are struggling this holiday season. 

As Governor I’ll continue to do all I can to address the challenges we face and to celebrate what makes our state the very best place to live and work and raise a family.

I wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving holiday.

This is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

Maine Recycles Week - November 14th through 18th

WHEREAS, recycling enjoys the support of the vast majority of the people of Maine who now have the opportunity to participate in recycling programs; and

WHEREAS, the State of Maine recognizes that “closing the loop” and buying products with sustainable/recycled content is essential to the success of recycling and practices this principle in its purchases; and

WHEREAS, for over three decades, the State of Maine has made the commitment to the waste management strategy of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; and

Adoption Awareness Month - November

WHEREAS, every child deserves a permanent, loving family and the opportunity to grow in a safe, stable, and trusted environment; and

WHEREAS, adoptive parents open their hearts and families to children in need of a home, providing them with love, hope, guidance and the opportunity for a healthy and productive future; and

WHEREAS, state agencies, courts, and public and private organizations here in Maine and across the nation are dedicated to finding families for children of all ages; and

Governor Mills: To all Maine veterans, I thank you for your service from the bottom of my heart.

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

You know every year, on November 11th, Maine and the nation pause to honor the dedication and sacrifice of those who have served Maine and the nation in the United States Armed Forces.

Our state has a proud legacy of military service. From the 20th Maine’s valiant defense of Little Round Top to the Maine National Guardsmen and women who will deploy around the world next year, Maine people have always stepped up to serve when our nation has called on them.

In fact, during the Civil War, our state contributed a higher proportion of citizens to the Union army than any other state in the nation. Today, Maine consistently ranks among the highest number of veterans per capita of any state in the country. Nearly 10 percent of our state’s entire population has served in the military.

As the daughter and sister of Maine veterans, I have a deep and abiding respect for those who have dedicated their lives to the safety and security of our nation, and for the families that support them.

While Veterans Day occurs only once a year, as Governor, I’m committed to ensuring that our state stands up for veterans every day. Look, our veterans stood by us, and it’s our responsibility now to stand by them.

Earlier this year, the board of the Maine Veterans’ Homes announced that they would close their Caribou and Machias locations.

I was pleased to partner with Senate President Troy Jackson and the Maine Veterans Home Board of Trustees to provide the funding necessary to keep them open. The measure received unanimous support – a testament to Maine’s unwavering support of our veterans.

As governor, I’ve reestablished the Aides-de-Camp program, which brings together veterans from all branches of the military, and the several members of my cabinet who are also veterans, to advise me on issues of importance to those who have served.

We’ve also expanded health and dental care to Maine veterans, by expanding Medicaid and by launching the Maine Veterans’ Dental Network with Northeast Delta Dental – a program that has received national recognition.

And my Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan is investing directly in efforts to solve our worker shortages by attracting new veteran families to Maine and connecting them with available jobs.

As governor, I am committed to making our state the best in the nation for veterans to live, work, retire, and care for their families.

To all Maine veterans: on behalf of the State of Maine, I thank you for your service from the bottom of my heart.

This is Governor Janet Mills. Thank you for listening.

Governor Mills: We've got more work to do, so let's get to it.

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

As your Governor, I promised you I would work hard every day to get things done. Because that’s how I’ve spent my career – working hard and fighting for the people of Maine. 

And that's what I've done. I have fought for you every day. 

We've been through some tough times together. With your help, I led Maine through a pandemic that threatened the lives and livelihoods of our people, and I am proud to say we succeeded better than nearly every state in the country. 

And we've made progress. 

Today, our unemployment rate is low, we have more jobs than we did before the pandemic, and our economic growth is 11th best in the nation. 

We have expanded lifesaving health care to more than 95,000 people. 

We fully funded our schools for the first time in Maine history and gave teachers a pay raise. 

We cut taxes for retirees, we delivered property and income tax relief, and put $850 back into your pocket to fight inflation – the strongest inflation relief measure in the country.

We are investing in our workforce and in small businesses.

We’ve balanced every budget and we’ve built up the Rainy Day Fund to a record high — all without raising taxes. 

Look, we have been through some challenging times these past few years, and I know there are challenges ahead. Global inflation is hitting us. It’s hurting Maine people. Gas prices are high, and the cost of oil is worrying many of us. We've got a workforce shortage. It’s one that I inherited, but one that I won't leave to our grandchildren to solve.

These are the challenges that are going to be my first order of business next month when the new Legislature convenes.

I promise to keep working with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to support you — the Maine people — and to find ways to put money back into your pocket, to lower costs for you and your family, and to strengthen our economy so that your kids can live a long, happy, and healthy life right here in our state.

We've got more work to do, so let's get to it. 

This is Governor Janet Mills and thank you for listening.

National Nurse Practitioner Week - November 13th through 19th

WHEREAS, nurse practitioners (NPs) play a critical role as trusted providers of health care for patients in our state, working to expand health care access in underserved communities and promote health equity in care; and

WHEREAS, patients depend on the 1,695 licensed NPs in Maine to diagnose, manage, and treat their chronic and acute health care conditions; and

Election Hero Day - November 7th

WHEREAS, election administrators and poll workers, including many with experience and many stepping up for the first time, play a critical role in ensuring the integrity of the ballot; and

WHEREAS, conducting an accessible and secure election requires collaboration between the Governor and the Secretary of State’s offices, municipal clerks across the state, and countless volunteers in every community; and

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