Home → Golek Advocates For a Fairer Tax Structure For Maine’s Working Families

Golek advocates for a fairer tax structure for Maine’s working families

AUGUSTA – Last Thursday, Rep. Cheryl Golek, D-Harpswell, joined advocates for tax fairness at the State House and called for Maine to adopt a tax structure that makes the wealthy pay their fair share and better supports working families.   

Rep. Golek

This session, Golek is introducing legislation that would increase taxes on Mainers earning more than $1 million annually. It would provide a projected amount of $200 million in annual revenue that would be redirected towards the state budget to help to create permanent funding for essential services, such as public education. The measure is currently an LR and is pending an LD number.  

“My measure aims to create a stable investment for our state services while promoting a more equitable tax system,” said Rep. Golek. “As Mainers, we know that our state is the way life should be, but right now, too many working Mainers are being left behind while the wealthiest are able to exploit loopholes within the system. By adding this modest tax to the incomes of those who make over $1 million annually, we can help to improve the economic situation for working families throughout our state.”

The bill will be referenced to a legislative committee in the coming weeks.

Golek is serving her second term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing Harpswell and Brunswick. She is a member of the Housing and Economic Development Committee and the Marine Resources Committee.


 Brian Lee (Golek) | 305-965-2744