Uncovering the Mysteries of Bats

By MDIFW Biologists Sarah Boyden and Shevenell Webb [caption id="attachment_3177" align="alignright" width="429"] Furbearer and small mammal biologists, Shevenell Webb, visits one of Maine’s bat hibernacula where bats hibernating during the winter.[/caption] As Halloween approaches, bat decorations can be seen hanging from trees and spooky spider webs.  At this time of year, most b

Maine’s Spring Salamander – Got Pink?

[caption id="attachment_3159" align="alignright" width="449"] A spring salamander is quite recognizable due to its large size and color.[/caption] By MDIFW Wildlife Biologist Phillip deMaynadier and MDIFW's Mark Latti If you happen to see a spring salamander, you won’t soon forget it.

Pheasants Offer Unique Hunting Opportunity In Southern Maine

By MDIFW Wildlife Biologist Cory Stearns [caption id="attachment_3142" align="alignright" width="477"] A hen pheasant takes off after being released in southern Maine. The pheasant stocking program is funded through the pheasant stamp.[/caption] The calendar has turned to October, and hunting season has kicked into full gear.

First-Ever Bat Gate In Maine Will Help Protect Bats From White Nose Syndrome

[caption id="attachment_3119" align="alignright" width="449"] The installation crew and the first ever bat gate installed in Maine.[/caption] By Shevenell Webb, MDIFW Wildlife Biologist The Department and the U.S.

Technology Aids In Identifying Maine Snakes

[caption id="attachment_3062" align="alignright" width="458"] An Eastern Milk Snake.[/caption] By Assistant Regional Wildlife Biologist Kendall Marden “Its brown and black with diamond patterns on its back and it is a couple of feet long!”  That's the usual statement received by MDIFW Biologists and Game Wardens from concerned callers who have come across an unidentified snake.

Private Landowners Key To Success Of Wildlife And Fisheries

By Assistant Regional Wildlife Biologist Brad Zitske Working as a wildlife biologist for the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife in the busiest region in the state means I spend a lot of time talking with people. In fact, we tend to work with people more than we work with wildlife itself. Many wildlife biologists get into the career to further their education of species and habitats and to spend time outside enjoying the natural resources that we are mandated to protect, preserve, and enhance.

MDIFW Undertakes 3,139 Shrub Plantings for Wildlife Habitat in Scarborough Marsh WMA

By Jeremy Clark, Resource Manager – Lands Program Since Fall 2016, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) Regional Biologists and Resource Managers from the Lands Program have planted over 3,100 shrubs to bolsterwildlife habitat at Scarborough Marsh Wildlife Management Area. The Scarborough planting project aims to fast-track the succession of once-maintained fields to shrubland and young forest habitat.

Regional Wildlife Biologists Jobs Can Vary Greatly

By Regional Wildlife Biologist Scott McLellan [caption id="attachment_3002" align="alignright" width="492"] In the center of this photo is a frigga frittillary butterfly.[/caption] The life of a regional wildlife biologist involves wearing many hats, and can require working with a diversity of species within a short period of time.  One can respond to the call of a dead mo

Why Did The Turtle Cross The Road...And Here's How To Help

[caption id="attachment_2970" align="alignright" width="321"] A hatchling painted turtle rescued from the road.[/caption] By MDIFW Wildlife Biologist Sarah Boyden Driving through Embden the other morning, I passed several snapping turtles laying eggs along the sandy stretch of the road.

As Weather Warms, Bats Emerge From Hibernation And Begin To Appear On Maine's Landscape

By MDIFW Wildlife Biologist Sarah Boyden It’s been a cold spring with late season snow storms keeping parts of the state covered in snow.  As the temperature slowly warms, bats appear on the landscape returning to their summer habitat.  Five species of bats are year-round residents in Maine.