
BEE on the Lookout for Rusty Patched Bumble Bees!

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is looking for rusty patched bumble bees and you can help!


Checking in on Peregrine Chicks

The keen eyes of one of the many MDIFW peregrine falcon surveyors, Trish Berube, and the partnership of Chinburg Properties, led to the discovery of a female incubating eggs in a 14-year-old nest box on a historical building in Lewiston. The exact location of this nest box is being kept private at this time to limit disturbance to the young until they fledge early summer.


Lessons from a Lynx

Often referred to as the “Gray Ghost of the North,” due to its perceived elusiveness, the Canada lynx is more fittingly described as calm, aloof, and surprisingly tolerant of human presence. Their long legs and thick-furred paws act like snowshoes to hunt in deep snow and their eyes have mirror-like cells allowing an increase of light available for the lynx to see at night. In addition to these adaptations, the lynx has a keen sense of hearing and smell, making them exceptional predators and equipped at living in deep snow environments.


Be Bear Wise

As the days grow longer, wildlife and humans alike emerge from their homes and dens to greet the warm weather. For many humans, we emerge with some extra “fluff”; we’ve exercised less, stayed inside more, eaten all the delicious desserts over the holidays, and gone through a long phase that I like to call “bulking season.” For our furry friends from bats to bears, winters can be more challenging; presenting little food, frigid temperatures, and the need for exceptional adaptations to ensure survival.


Turtle Talk

Maine has eight species of semi-aquatic turtles that inhabit a number of regions and ecosystems across the state. Turtles are a unique group of reptiles, with an anatomical design that ensures protection from a number of predators. A turtle’s shell, or carapace, is made of hard bony plates covered in scutes, which are the same material as our fingernails. Fused to the inside of their shell is their spinal column and the belly side of the turtle shell, the plastron, are the fused ribs and sternum. So, a turtle’s shell is a unique armor that a turtle physically cannot live without.


Mowing for Monarchs

Butterflies are a fan favorite when it comes to fluttering invertebrates, and in addition to their beauty, they bring a number of benefits to our lives. Butterflies play an important ecological role as prey to a number of larger species such as dragonflies and birds and are vital pollinators for wildflowers.


The Tick and Turkey Debate

Turkeys and ticks have long been a topic of conservation, with Maine’s wild turkeys sometimes taking the blame for causing problems for Maine’s moose as a spreader of ticks, the proliferation of ticks in Southern Maine, and the negative impacts on humans that come with the ectoparasite.


Turtle Crossing

Turtles are long-lived animals that take many years to reach reproductive ages, in the range of 10-15 years for many Maine turtles. Their delayed maturity coupled with low hatching success creates exceptional challenges for survival. The annual loss of just a few adults to roadkill can lead to a population decline or even local extinction.


Monitoring Moose from the Skies

If you spent any time snowmobiling in certain areas of northern Maine this winter, you may have looked up to see a low flying helicopter scouting over the trees. This helicopter carried one Forest Pilot Ranger of the Maine Forest Service and three of Maine’s wildlife biologists, including the moose biologist, Lee Kantar on their annual aerial moose counts. From late December to mid-February, having snow on the ground allows greater contrast of moose on the landscape, making it easier to spot them while flying. The helicopter flies over specific sections in districts that best represent Maine’s core moose range and habitat.


Understanding Spring Turkey Behavior + Scouting Tips

Spring turkey hunting is an excellent way to celebrate the end of winter. It’s a fun, interactive hunt, providing plenty of opportunity across the state. On March 24, the Department hosted a live panel discussion with three MDIFW staff members and avid turkey hunters: Turkey + Other Game Bird Biologist Kelsey Sullivan, Fisheries Resource Supervisor Liz Thorndike, and retired Rec Safety Coordinator Reggie Read.