Creel Surveys Provide Fisheries Biologists Insight Into Many Favorite Fisheries

[caption id="attachment_2252" align="alignright" width="534"] Brad Carlton caught this nice brown trout on Webb Lake, which was one of the lakes Region D fisheries biologists were surveying this year.[/caption] Creel Surveys are an essential tool for IFW fisheries Biologists.

Wassookeag Togue Anglers Provide Invaluable Fisheries Data

[caption id="attachment_2225" align="alignright" width="458"] A nice wassookeag lake trout.[/caption] By Wes Ashe, IFW Fisheries Biologist Wassookeag Lake is a 1200-acre water located in the northeast corner of Region B.

Understanding The S-13 Regulation -- Why Waters With Illegal Introductions Of Bass Have No Size Or Bag Limit On Bass

By IFW Fisheries Biologist Brian Lewis Part of the recent Fishing Laws booklet simplification process included multiple reviews by staff biologists to ensure major errors were not included in the final product.   While going through one edition of the booklet I chose to focus on the S-13 special regulation.   This special regulation allows unlimited harvest of largemouth and smallmouth bass with no minimum length limi

Stocking Season Nearly Completed!

[caption id="attachment_2091" align="alignright" width="570"] A stocked brown trout moves towards deeper water.[/caption] Stocking season is nearly complete!

Managing A Waterway For Larger Fish

[caption id="attachment_2068" align="alignright" width="456"] By reducing the number of fish stocked, you can help increase just how fast a fish grows.[/caption] Many anglers associate big trout and salmon with northern Maine.

How Do You Reconnect A Stream For Brook Trout?

[caption id="attachment_2051" align="alignright" width="525"] Cat Alley Brook, upstream of the clogged culvert.[/caption] By IFW Fisheries Biologist Bob Van Riper On an early July morning, I worked fast to move 26 brook trout upstream and out of the way.

IFW Fisheries Biologists Capture Salmon In Steep Bank Pool To Monitor Mooselook Fishery

By Mark Latti [caption id="attachment_2025" align="alignright" width="440"] Male salmon develop a kype as they prepare to spawn.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2020" align="alignright" width="475"]

Coastal Trout Ponds Break the Mold Downeast

  [caption id="attachment_2007" align="alignright" width="550"] Plump brook trout like this one benefit from the cooler microclimate and seeping springs that one finds near the ocean downeast.[/caption] By IFW Fisheries Biologist Greg Burr Typically, in Downeast Maine a successfu

Fish Invasions Take A Toll On Native Fisheries

[caption id="attachment_1975" align="alignright" width="532"] Warmwater invasive species such as this crappie can outcompete native species[/caption] By Wes Ashe, IFW Fisheries Biologist Working in the Belgrade Lakes Region (Region B), it’s not unusual to get weekly calls with reports of new introductions of invasive/exotic fish species.

Fisheries Biologists Embark On Intensive Sebago Lake Togue Study

[caption id="attachment_1803" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] IFW's Greg Massey hoists a 12.5 pound Sebago Lake togue.