September 11, 2013

BENTON SEARCH - Maine Warden Service

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Maine Warden Service

--For Immediate Release--

BENTON, MAINE ? September 12, 2013: The Maine Warden Service is currently involved in a search in Benton for Arthur Wakeman. He is 86-years-old and left his residence yesterday (September 11) at 344 East Benton Road sometime between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM. Arthur is wearing blue jeans and a plaid shirt and may have a walking stick with him. If anyone has seen Arthur within the last 24-hours or has information that may help to determine his location please call the Augusta State Police Communication Center at 624-7076.

As of 7:00 AM this morning there are 10 game wardens and several K-9 units on scene. A warden service airplane is also headed to the scene. MASAR search teams have also been called and have provided additional K-9 units and ground search personnel. The Maine State Police are assisting with house to house interviews and searching in the area. A command Post has been established at the Albion Fire Department.

(Attached photo of Arthur Wakeman courtesy of the Maine Warden Service)

Please direct media related calls to Corporal John MacDonald by calling: Public Safety Dispatch in Gray at 207-657-3030 Email at: