February 13, 2002
InforME Board Meeting

Members Present
Secretary of State, Dan Gwadosky, Board Chair
Dick Davies
Tamara Dukes
Ann Schink
Marilyn Lutz
Deborah Carson
Jaynie Higgins
Jeff Harmon
Dick Hinkley

Harry Lanphear, CIO
Rebecca Wyke, Chief Deputy Secretary of State
Kelly Hokkanen, InforME
Joan Gammon, InforME
Shaye Robbins, InforME

Meeting Opens
Chair welcomed Board members and began the meeting.

Agenda Reviewed

Review of Interim General Manager's Report

Presented financial report for December, 2001 and the Revenue Percentage Distribution Report for 2001.

Discussion regarding revenue. Ideally, BMV revenue should be no more than 60% of a mature portals revenue. SOS services like UCC can be up to 20% in a mature portal. Criminal background checks and PayTixx also have good histories of adoption. Online adoption of UCC searches was at 80% in the past month. UCC filings also performing well. Board interested in seeing year-to-year comparisons for financials.

Action: The InforME General Manager modify the monthly report to reflect 2002 revenue percentages broken out by applications adding year-to-date percentages, and a year-to-year financial comparison.

Username and Password Security

NIC states do not have a separate policy outside of the standard Subscriber Agreement language. The Subscriber Agreement puts the responsibility of monitoring account activity solely on subscribers. Concerns were raised regarding the possibility of subscriber employees sharing usernames and passwords with unauthorized people. Board considering implementing policies to deter fraudulent access to data while keeping the level of security appropriate to the data they are accessing.

· Include examples of ways data can be misused and give a model policy that organizations can use with their own people.
· Require individuals to have unique username and password for higher privacy data like BMV
· Ask for confirmation from account holders periodically to verify that the users listed are still the same people using the passwords
· Have BMV subscribers re-sign the affirmation statement annually
· Remind subscribers that they can monitor the activity of their accounts by username online through the subscriber admin function

Action: The InforME staff will put together a draft reminder statement regarding username and password security and anti-fraud measures for the Board to review.

Demonstrations of New Services and Sites

UCC Total Solution - www.state.me.us/sos/cec/ucconline/
The CEC has one last application to go live and then it will be completely electronic. The last application will be online corporate annual report filing which is currently in development.

Campwithme.com - www.campwithme.com
Ability to reserve camping spaces in participating campgrounds throughout Maine.

Accessible Recreation Guide - www.state.me.us/living/accessrec/
Guide to handicap-accessible Parks and Recreation opportunities across the state, including beaches, museums, boating, hunting, fishing, camping, and sports.

Revised Service Level Agreement

The Board was presented with the attached documents regarding InforME web design services, hosting services, and technical services.

Discussion involved adding these documents to the standard SLA template and making other revisions including asking agencies to use InforME's Adoption Rate Wizard to report and record adoption rates of online services. It was recommended that all SLAs be made co-terminus with the master contract and that the collections and payment section be changed to reflect the various payment methods InforME currently employs. It was agreed that the documents presented regarding web design, hosting services, and technical services are living documents and that they should be attached as riders on the SLAs only where they apply. The revised SLA should be prepared for the March meeting.

The InforME General Manager will create a draft document, have it reviewed by NIC legal counsel, and bring it to the Board for approval at the March meeting.

Strategic Plan Update: Portal Section

Review of updates to the Portal section of the InforME Board Strategic Plan.

The InforME staff, led by Creative Services Director, Kelly Hokkanen, will continue to enhance and develop the State of Maine website according to the direction and goals outlined in the Strategic Plan.

Branding subcommittee meeting will be rescheduled.

No other business is brought before the Board.

Next two meetings are set for March 13, 2002 and April 10, 2002.

Meeting Adjourned
2:50 p.m.