DATE: JANUARY 10, 2001



Secretary of State Dan A. Gwadosky

John Eldridge

Lesley Sprague

Sam Levy

Janie Higgins

Richard Hinkley

Jeff Harmon

Rick Record

Deborah B. Carson

Richard Davies

Tamara Dukes

Linda Monica

Rudolph Naples

Anne Schink


Elaine Stanley


Carrie Gott, InforME Staff

Scott Talcove, InforME Staff
Todd Tolhurst, InforME Staff

Rebecca Wyke, Chief Deputy, Office of Secretary of State


Chairman, Secretary of State Gwadosky, began the meeting by welcoming all board members present.

I. General Manager’s Report — Tamara Dukes


Three major services launched before the year’s end: OLR, Rapid Renewal, and IFW storefront. 95 license types online and able to renew. The closest state to this is Georgia with 32. The model for this will become a portal for licensing and call it Cross agency.

Storefront represents the first of our shopping cart, which will be reused for others such as the State Museum.

Three big steps to becoming a prominent portal. Please see the attached media articles.

Next big applications to be launched before July 2001: Quicktix and CEC Interactive Corps and UCC applications. The most relevant services from other states are now online in Maine. Remarkable initiatives throughout the state, not just InforME. Now that the relevant services are up we will be conducting more external marketing.

Included in the packet, is a copy of the InforME strategic plan, as well as drafts of the marketing and technical plans.

Technical Plan

Rapid renewal live 638 renewals so far. We will be adding electronic checks to the service. Advantages include: user comfort level, and fees are far less than credit card.

Hired new programmer to handle special request services to handle IFW and BMV records. Lead to allow us to provide this service more efficiently. has moved to InforME is also being hosted at InforME

Quicktix violation payment system development has begun. We have had some early success with the IVR.

Jeff Harmon: Should add to the violation language on the ticket to instruct how to pay online and by phone.

Q: Dick Hinkley: what are the prospects of municipalities joining the program?

A: Becky Wyke: We will go three months before expansion. This week or next week, SOS office will send out a letter inviting towns to join at the end of February. Then we will decide how many towns and which of those that respond can begin.

Janus migration has been put on hold. The legislature holds 60% of the Janus server. The council has asked for assistance from SOS, so the legislative council did pass the migration. So Tamara and Dick Hinkley will meet again to determine a migration plan. Back on track and will deliver update next meeting.

Financial Report:

Great year. It will be hard to duplicate this year. $300,000 windfall due to the anticipation of DPPA passing in June. This will not happen again.

Q: Are there waves in the financials?

A: Nov and Dec dropped by 30%. Already going back up. Each service ebbs and flows, with the exception of driver records.

  1. Revised Schedule A (SOS SLA)

Schedule A for SOS

    1. CEC/Batch active/inactive corporate and ucc records for $1200 ($1000 for Network) per update
    2. CEC/Batch corporate and ucc images for $1500 ($1200 for Network) per update
    3. CEC/Special Request UCC and Corporate Records: $.10

All of this information is public information and will greatly benefit the customers, who are currently receiving this information at a large cost and in paper format. Limited customer group.

Q: Sam Levy: Is there a down side to these services? Are there companies out there that would be competing with these services?

A: No, all companies that offer this information would be purchasing this data. We are trying to meet the needs of our customers.

C: Anne Schink: It seems that this is a good will service from the SOS. Interesting to hear how these are sprouting from current services.

Q: Delivery Schedule?

A: First quarter delivery

Dan motions for approval

Linda Monica, I would like to move the approval of additions to schedule A

Jeff Harmon seconds the motion

Passed unanimously

  1. Privacy Statement Revision
  2. Item #3: Privacy statement amendment

    Tamara: The current statement is not wrong, but this revision is simply more specific and less vague. We ran this amendment by Linda Monica and Lars Rydell who is working on the ISPB privacy standards document.

    Dick Hinkley: this is an important revision. Although the ISPB is working on the Standards, we should not wait.

    Why refer to the referral link. We will check that.

    Dan: Other than that link, can we make a motion to adopt this statement.

    John motions to accept the statement.

  3. IV. Blue Ribbon Commission Report
  4. Hand out for the Blue Ribbon Report for your information. Issues such as privacy and others. Please take a look at the report and if there are some who would like to act as a subcommittee to stay in touch with any legislation that comes out of the Commission.

    Linda: General observation is that it is very good for InforME that there are board members to be at those meetings to help curb misunderstanding about InforME and other issues that may effect InforME. First time around the Legislature adopted all that was presented by the Commission.

    Sam: Thought that the group helped facilitate some good things such as digital signatures. Anything that we can do to reassure the public on privacy issues and that their privacy is not going to be violated.

    Now that the committee has lost its chair, there is some question as to who will take that position, and the danger is that the group shifts to a place of misunderstanding and recommend to the Legislature that could hurt the confidence of the Internet.

  5. Benchmarking eGovernment Survey Report
  6. Survey that was paid for by NIC to see if there were any metrix for eGov growth across the nation so as to judge whether we are making progress. Some of the information has been taken and included in the annual report.

    One of the messages is that education is an emerging issue. People just don’t know how to use the Internet. Educational outreach has been recommended. Adoption rates are low across the nation.

    Rudy: 48% of Maine citizens have a pc and Internet connection in the state. Therefore, I think it is more likely to be a marketing issue.

    Sam: Why not offer Internet training to students? Perhaps offer reach out to be implemented into courses such as driver training courses.


  7. Strategic plan, marketing plan, technical plan

Strategic Plan: If we could go through the strategic plan together over a few meetings to discuss, perhaps with a facilitator. Any thoughts on this?

Let’s come to the next meeting prepared to discuss how we will proceed. Please read last strategic plan and be ready to discuss how we will approach the plan.


Next meeting date:

Wednesday, March 21st, at 1:00 p.m.

Nash Building

Wednesday, April 25th, at 1:00 p.m.

Wednesday, May 16th, at 1:00 p.m.