April 29, 1999

ATTENDANCE 2/26: Members
Secretary of State Dan A. Gwadosky, Chair
Deborah B. Carson, Financial Operations Officer, Judicial Branch
Richard Davies, Public Member
Major Jeffrey Harmon, Department of Public Safety
Jaynie Higgins, Public Member
Marilyn Lutz, Maine Library Association
Robert A. Mayer, Chief Information Officer, Bureau of Information Services
Rudolph Naples, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Human Services
Richard Record, Director of Administrative Services, Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Anne B. Shink, Maine League of Women Voters

ATTENDANCE 4/5: Members
Secretary of State Dan A. Gwadosky, Chair
Deborah B. Carson, Financial Operations Officer, Judicial Branch
Richard Davies, Public Member
Tamara Dukes, President, New England Interactive
Major Jeffrey Harmon, Department of Public Safety
Jaynie Higgins, Public Member
Ben Keating, Representing Gary Nichols, State Librarian
Sam Levy, Executive Director UNET, University of Maine System
Marilyn Lutz, Maine Library Association
Robert A. Mayer, Chief Information Officer, Bureau of Information Services
Linda Monica, Maine Trial Lawyers Association
Rudolph Naples, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Human Services
Richard Record, Director of Administrative Services, Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Lesley D. Sprague, Maine Association of Realtors 

Mary N. Cloutier, Staff to InforME Board, Bureau of Information Services
Rebecca Wyke, (Staff to the Chair) Assistant Secretary of State, Office of Secretary of State
Janet Grard, Technology Projects Coordinator, Office of Secretary of State

Additional Attendees:
Delores Crocker, Bureau of Information Services


Secretary of State Dan Gwadosky started the meeting by introducing Jeff Fraser, of the National Information Consortium (NIC), which is the sole owner of New England Interactive (NEI). While waiting for Tamara Dukes to arrive (she was driving from Boston, because airplanes had been diverted due to a snow storm), Mr. Fraser provided historical and background information on himself, (the first network manager, in Kansas, which was the first state to adopt the public/private model) and NIC. He stressed that the model works best when:

1) the private vendor builds system solutions for clients,

2) the data custodians realize cost savings and increased efficiencies as a result of the new system, and

3) the systems are self-supporting, which supports the work of the InforME Board.

Ms. Dukes has had two years of experience with NIC, as the Director of Marketing in Iowa and Indiana. Mr. Fraser relayed that NIC has required Tamara to "invest her personal savings in NEI, to ensure her entrepreneurial drive remains in place." Ms. Dukes provided a slide show that encapsulated NEI�s response to the InforME RFP.

Following questions, Mr. Fraser and Ms. Dukes left the room while the InforME Board discussed their presentation. Dick Davies moved to accept the proposal, saying he was quite impressed with the company. The motion was seconded by Jeff Harmon. The vote to accept was unanimous, and Bob Mayer was directed to prepare a contract.

The Board gave its consent for Ms. Dukes and Mr. Fraser to present the slides to a afternoon. meeting of interested information technology managers from state government.

Respectfully submitted,  Mary N. Cloutier, Staff to the Board


Following welcoming remarks, Chairman Gwadosky turned the meeting over to CIO Robert Mayer to review the draft InforME contract. Following discussion, and several clarifications, Jaynie moved to accept the contract as amended (by the discussions). Dick Davies seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Board thanked Delores Crocker for her expertise in preparing the contract, for Bob�s signature. (Effective 4/15/99, a copy of the contract may be obtained by contacting InforME Board staff, Mary Cloutier.)

The Board discussed agenda items for the next meeting, which was scheduled for May 10. If ready, the first Secretary of State Service Level Agreement will be reviewed, Tamara will discuss strategic plan(s) from other NIC states, and Bob Mayer will review a sample privacy statement, which will be presented to the Information Services Policy Board at its 4/30/99 meeting. The Board also discussed agenda items for the June meeting, which will include general managers report (e.g. financial, personnel, marketing SLA, and marketing status information).

In the interim between meetings, InforME Board members are encouraged to start thinking about:

Respectfully submitted, Mary N. Cloutier, Staff to the Board