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Code Description
0 Mailable, Not yet mailed
1 Mailed once
2 Mailed twice
3 Mailed three times
4 Mailed four times
11 Clean subunit in a mailable multi
12 Clean record in a multi, but unmailable due to errors on another record.
30 Updated, but has CCS I-error OR NAICS code not entered
31 Not reviewed, pending
32 Not mailed. Centrally collected and verified. No industry, county, or ownership code changes.
33 BLS-assigned, submitted as 46/50/76 but has a CCS 1-error on BLS Micro File
34 BLS-assigned, submitted as 46/50/76 - not a true code change on BLS Micro F
35 BLS-asgn, submitted w Com Cd 81, true code change, resp cd not 30/46/50/76
41 Reviewed, No CCS changes
42 Codes Correct, but Employer misunderstood Industry Description
46 Clean record with CCS updates
50 Code change from non-refiling source
57 NAICS Revision Code Change from another source
63 Post office return
64 Out of business
65 Refusal
76 Code change to NAICS, cty, twn, or own but system-assigned NAICS
77 NAICS (or AuxNaics) code system-assigned
78 NAICS code assigned based on EIN
79 NAICS code assigned based on known business activities
86 Record on the control file but either not mailed or remailed
98 Carryover, presumed out of business
99 Unmailable record due to errors