ADMIN Table Format

This file contains the administrative information for each account such as address, phone number, etc. This formation is overwritten each quarter by the extract file if not locked.

Field Name Data Type Format Description
unum deci-0 9999999999 Employer's Account Number
rnum inte 99999 Reporting Unit Number
ein inte 999999999 Federal ID #
legal_n char x(35) Employer's Legal Name
dba char x(35) Employer's Doing-Business-As Name
phys_str char x(35) Physical Street Address
run_desc char x(35) RUN Description
phys_cty char x(30) Physical City Address
physst char x(2) Physical State Address
phys_zip char x(5) Physical Zip Code
phys_ext char x(4) Physical Zip Code Extension
contact char x(35) Contact Name
mail_st1 char x(35) Mailing Street 1 Address
mail_st2 char x(35) Mailing Street 2 Address
mail_cty char x(30) Mailing City Address
mailst char x(2) Mailing State Address
mail_zip char x(5) Mailing Zip Code
mail_ext char x(4) Mailing Zip Extention
area_cd char -999 Area Code
phone char 999-9999 Phone Number
Phon_ext char x(5) Phone Extension
m_phone char 999-9999 Marketing phone number
prednum deci-0 9999999999 Predecessor Employer Number
predrun inte 99999 Predecessor Reporting Unit Number
succnum deci-0 9999999999 Successor Employer Number
succrun inte 99999 Successor Reporting Unit Number
max_run char x(5) The highest Reporting Unit Number ever used or assigned to the unit's UI account number
season inte 99 Seasonal Indicator
phys_str2 char x(35) Physical Street Address
tax_str char x(35) TAX Street Address
tax_str2 char x(35) TAX Street Address
tax_cty char x(30) TAX City Address
taxst char x(2) TAX State Address
tax_zip char x(5) TAX Zip Code
tax_ext char x(4) TAX Zip Code Extension
state_use char X(35) State Use
update-dte date 99/99/99 Udate date
chkdig inte 9 Check digit
m_area_cd char -999 Area Code
spec_ind char X Special Indicator
input_dte date 99/99/9999 Input Date
init_liab_dte date 99/99/9999 Initial Liability Date
end_liab_dte date 99/99/9999 End Liability Date
react_dte date 99/99/9999 Reactivation Date
org_type_cd char X The legal form of the organization used for tax purposes by the establishment
fax_area_cd char -999 Area Code
fax_phone char 999-9999 Phone Number
incl_equi logi yes/no EQUI Flag
mwr_received logi yes/no MWR Flag
mo_addr_ind inte 9 Code that defines the type of address in the Mailing/Other address block
edit_flag logi yes/no Indicates whether record has been edited/passed edits
print-flag logi yes/no Print Flag
ces-ind char X CES indicator; "C" value shows a CEs record with same UI/Run for win202; default is blank
ar-ind logi yes/no Annual Reporter Indicator
latitude deci-6 -99.999999 Latitude stored in decimal degree format. (- represents South, else North
longitude deci-6 -999.999999 Longitude stored in decimal degree format. (- represents West, else East
skip-err logi yes/no Used by the error navigation buttons to by-pass marked accounts
edit-dte date 99/99/9999 Used by edits to edit records by data last changed.
plac-dte date 99/99/9999 Physical Location Address Change Date. Indicates when the physical location address was last changed.
geosoftware char X Single digit abbreviation of the software used to assign latitude and longitude.
old-geosoftware char X Old single digit abbreviation of the software used to assign latitude and longitude.
geosource-cd char X Indicates where the geocode came from. Sources include: state 202 unit; National office; outside vendor.
old-geosource-cd char X Old indicator for where the geocode came from.
location-cd char X(3) Explains the level of detail used to assigning the geocode information as well as the qualities of the match.
old-location-cd char X(3) Old code explaining the level of detail used to assigning the geocode information as well as the qualities of the match.
match-cd char X(4) Information about the address process, including whether or not a match was found, type of match found, or why not found.
old-match-cd char X(4) Old information about the address process, including whether or not a match was found, type of match found, or why not found.
old-latitude deci-6 -99.999999 Old Latitude stored in decimal degree format. (- represents South, else North
old-longitude deci-6 -999.999999 Old Longitude stored in decimal degree format. (- represents West, else East
ll-chg-yr inte 9999 Latitude/Longitude Change Year. Year that new geocode information would be availalbe for publication, etc.
ll-chg-qtr inte 9 Latitude/Longitude Change Qtr. Quarter that new geocode information would be availalbe for publication, etc.
old-ll-chg-yr inte 9999 Old Latitude/Longitude Change Year that the new geocode information would be available for publication, etc.
old-ll-chg-qtr inte 9 Old Latitude/Longitude Change Quarter that the new geocode information would be availalbe for publication, etc.
ui_addr_ind inte 9 UI Address Indicator: Identifies when the UI address is also the Physical Location Address.
old_ui_addr_ind inte 9 Old UI Address Indicator: Identifies when the UI address is also the Physical Location Address.
mwr-mail-ind char X MWR Mail Indicator
addr-source char X Address Source
e-mail char X(60) E-Mail Address
geo-county inte 999 County code generated by the geostan software based on latitude and longitude assigned from the physical location address
consent-cd char X(2) Nondisclosure/informed consent code identifies if the State and the employer have written agreement about confidential data
consent-init-yr inte 9999 Year agreement begins
consent-end-yr inte 9999 Year agreement ends
website char X(60) URL of the business for which the respondent is reporting employment and wage data.
third-agent char X Identifies if the ARS Form was completed by a third party agent
contact-title char X(35) Title of contact name provided on the ARS or MWR forms or throught the Web Collection systems
peo-ein char X(9) PEO Client Employer Identification (EI) Number
ffd-naics char X First NAICS Fact of Discrepancy
ffd-county char X First County Fact of Discrepancy
ffd-pla char X First PLA Fact of Discrepancy
ffd-multsingle char X First Multi/Single Fact of Discrepancy
ffd-emp char X First Employment Fact of Discrepancy
ffd-wage char X First Wage Fact of Discrepancy
ffd-a char X First Fact A of Discrepancy
ffd-b char X First Fact B of Discrepancy
ffd-notify-yr inte 9999 First Notification Year
ffd-review-yr inte 9999 First Review (Fiscal/ARS) Year
ffd-naics-rc char X First NAICS Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
ffd-county-rc char X First County Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
ffd-pla-rc char X First PLA Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
ffd-multisingle-rc char X First Multi/Single Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
ffd-emp-rc char X First Employment Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
ffd-wage-rc char X First Wage Fact of Discrepany Result Code
ffd-a-rc char X First Fact A of Discrepancy Result Code
ffd-b-rc char X First Fact B of Discrepancy Result Code
sfd-naics char X Second NAICS Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-county char X Second County Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-pla char X Second PLA Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-multisingle char X Second Multi/Single Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-emp char X Second Employment Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-wage char X Second Wage Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-a char X Second Fact A of Discrepancy
sfd-b char X Second Fact B of Discrepancy
sfd-notify-yr inte 9999 Second Notification Year
sfd-review-yr inte 9999 Second Review (Fiscal/ARS) Year
sfd-naics-rc char X Second NAICS Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-county-rc char X Second County Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-pla-rc char X Second PLA Fact of Discrepancy
sfd-multisingle-rc char X Second Multi/Single Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
sfd-emp-rc char X Second Employment Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
sfd-wage-rc char X Second Wage Fact of Discrepancy Result Code
sfd-a-rc char X Second Fact A of Discrepancy Result Code
sfd-b-rc char X Second Fact B of Discrepancy Result Code
buyer-name char X(35) Information provided by selling account or rep. about the name of the ermployer or account purchasing the unit or account.
csm-ind char X Closed, Sold, Moved (CSM) Indicator. Information from the web Collection systems regarding the collection status of mwr data
coll-status-id char X Information from the web collection systems regarding the collection status of the mwr data
csm-dte date 99/99/9999 Closed, Sold, Moved (csm) Date.Date provided by the selling account or rep identifying when the unit was CSM.
event-com-id char X(2) Info provided by the web collection respondent to identify a particular event of situtation that can explainn the type of business.
event-oth-com char X(50) Event Other Company. Name of the other company involved in the business trasfer event based on info from respondent
mwr-rnum char X(5) Assigned by the mwr web system when a new unit is set up and the web system can not determine the run # to assign
multi-pred-ind char X Multi Predecessor Indicator
multi-succ-ind char X Multi Successor Indicator
newunit-id char X New Unit Indentifier. Indentifies that the employment and identified sub
mwrunit-desc char X(150) NAICS information provided from the web collection system to the state staff for new units reporting for the 1st time.
f-suppl-ps char X(16) 1 digit alpha identifyies pred or succ; 10 digit UI, 5 digit run number
s-suppl-ps char X(16) 1 digit alpha identifyies pred or succ; 10 digit UI, 5 digit run number
pred-source char X Predecessor Source Code
succ-source char X Successor Source Code
ps-trans-dte date 99/99/9999 Predessor/Successor Transfer Date
mwr-pass char x(8) Field provided by bls to states for collection of ars information via the web.
mwr-id char X(12) Solicitation ID/Temporary ID
ars-sequence inte 99 ARS Employer Industry Description Sequence Number
ars-desc char X(100) ARS Employer Industry Description
ars-percentage inte 999 ARS Employer Industry description Percentage
incl-subset char X(1) Used in Subset EQUI to identify records for selection. Valid values are: 'N' = no, 'M' = manually selected, 'A' = automatically set.
delete-date date 99/99/9999 Used to identify the date an account was deleted by the client. The account will stay on the system for a period of time after deletion.
mwr-solicit-yr inte 9999 MWR Web Solicitation Reference Year
mwr-solicit-qtr inte 9 MWR Web Solicitation Quarter
narrative char X(60) This field provides space to enter notes about an admin