QUARTERLY Table Format

This file contains codes and employment and wages for a particular quarter. Each quarter, new info is added by the extract.

Field Name Data Type Format Description
unum deci-0 9999999999 Employer's Account Number
rnum inte 99999 Reporting Unit Number
status_cd char 9 Code showing whether or not the record is active for 202 purposes
typcov_cd char 9 A code indicating whether the record is a taxable or contributory account
m1emp inte 999999 Number of full or part-time workders who worked or received pay for the payroll period covering the workweek which includes the 12th of the month
m1emp_ind char x(1) Indicator showing how the employment data was obtained
m2emp inte 999999 Month 2 Employment
m2emp_ind char x(1) Month 2 Indicator Code
m3emp inte 999999 Month 3 Employment
m3emp_ind char x(1) Month 3 Indicator Code
m1fem inte 99999 Female Month 1 Employment
m1fem_ind char x(1) Female Month 1 Indicator Code
m2fem inte 99999 Female Month 2 Employment
m2fem_ind char x(1) Female Month 2 Indicator Code
m3fem inte 99999 Female Month 3 Employment
m3fem_ind char x(1) Female Month 3 Indicator Code
tot_wg_ind char x(1) Total Wages Indicator Code
tax_wg_ind char x(1) Taxable Wages Indicator Code
contrib_ind char x(1) Indicator showing source of the contributions due
size char x(1) Size Code
state_use char X(6) State Use
naics-cd char 999999 North American Industry Classification System Code
qtr inte 9 Quarter
yr inte 9999 Year
county_cd inte 999 FIPS county code used to identify each reporting unit's
ed_flag logi yes/no Indicates whether record has been edited/passed edits
est_flag logi yes/no Indicates whether estimation for missing data has been
del_flag logi yes/no Indicates whether any Contribution Report or MWR data have been provided
tax_rate deci-3 >9.999 Quarter's tax rate used to tax contributory employer's
com_1 inte 99 Comment Code Number
com_2 inte 99 Comment Code Number
com_3 inte 99 Comment Code Number
com_narr char X(57) Used to provide an explanation for any unique changes in an establishment that cannot be accounted for through standard comment codes
incl_equi logi yes/no EQUI Flag
rep_chg_ind inte 9 Reporting Change Indicator
res_cd inte 999 Code used in New England states to identify township
geo_code inte zzzzzz9 Geographic Code
sic-cd-chr char 9999 SIC Code
contrib inte >>>,>>>,>>9 Amount of money due to the State for the UI Benefit program
own_cd inte 9 Describes economic ownership of the enterprise
ecci_cd inte 99 Indicates economic change in SIC, NAICS, Location or Ownership codes
aux_cd inte 9 The type of service the unit provides for other establishments of the same enterprise
meei_cd inte 9 Code that distinguishes between records for single units, multi-unit master records, and subunits of a multi-establishment employer
notes char X(57) Notes
tot_wg deci-2 >>,>>>,>>>,>>9 Total amount of wages paid to covered workers for services performed during the reference quarter
tax_wg deci-2 >>,>>>,>>>,>>9 Wages of the employer that are subject to UI tax
aux_naics char 999999 North American Industry Classification System Code
zone-cd char X(4) Zone Code
edit-dte date 99/99/9999 edit-dte used to edit only data since last full integrated edit
city-cd inte 99999 Five digit city code derived from boundary tables and latitude and longitude.
city-id char XX Place code identifier that explains the city code field.
agent_cd char X(4) Agent Code
source char X(1) Code used to provide information on the source of the data. E/C from EDI Center, blank default.
msa-cd inte 99999 Metropolitan Statistical Area Code
lma-cd inte 99999 Labor Market Area
wia-cd inte 999 Workforce Investment Area
census-id char X(15) Census ID based on the physical address
census-tract char X(4) Census tract based on the combination of latitude and longitude information mapped to Census-supplied boundary tables
ps-part-full-ind char X Predecessor/Successor Partial/Full Indicator.
incl-subset char X(1) Used to identify records to be included in the Subset run of the EQUI; 'N' = no, 'M' = manually selected, 'A' = automatically marked in a trigger.