WIN-202 System Outline

The top tier is the Main Screen. The second tier are the six buttons on the main screen. Below that are the tabs/radio buttons within those screens.

Main Menu

  1. Data Entry
    • Address Data
    • ARCS Data
    • Master Employment Data
    • Multi Data Site Entry
    • Subset EQUI Data Entry
    • ARCS Scan Entry
    • MWR Scan Entry
    • NCA Scan Entry
    • NAICS Code Entry
    • New Accounts
  2. Screens
    • Micro
      • Employment/Wage
      • Codes
      • Comments
      • Notes
      • Wage/Record
      • Wage Record Predecessor/Successor
      • Female/Wage
    • Micro Error
    • Multi
    • ARCS
    • Address
    • Administrative
    • Geographical Data
    • State Use
    • Macro/County
      • Inquiry
      • Detail
      • Comments
    • Macro/MSA
      • MSA Inquiry
      • MSA Detail
  3. Quarterly Processing
    • Load
    • Edit
    • Estimate
    • Macro
    • EQUI
      • Subset EQUI
      • Full EQUI
    • ARCS
    • MWR-Web
  4. Lookup Tables
    • Residence/Industry
      • County/Town Codes
      • LMA Codes
      • WIA Codes
      • MSA Codes
      • NAICS Codes
      • Zip Codes
      • Zone Codes
      • SIC codes
    • Edit
      • Parameters
      • Error Codes
      • Estimate Codes
      • Comment Codes
      • Response Codes
    • Miscellaneous
      • Address Type
      • Auxiliary
      • Economic
      • Type Coverage
      • Organization Type
      • MEEI
      • Ownership
      • Status Code
      • Special Indicator
      • Employment/Wage Indicator
    • Alpha
    • Transaction
    • ARCS
  5. Administrative
    • Monitor
    • State Information
    • Transaction
    • Maintenance
      • Quarters
      • Database
      • Security
    • Edit Status
  6. Reports
    • Reports
    • Auto Reports
    • Report Parameters