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LD 827 -- HP0587

An Act to Promote the Cranberry Industry and to Encourage Cultivation of Cranberries in the State.

Presented By: Representative SHOREY of Calais
Cosponsored By: Senator CASSIDY of Washington and Representatives: BAGLEY of Machias, DUGAY of Cherryfield, GILLIS of Danforth, KNEELAND of Easton, PINKHAM of Lamoine, POVICH of Ellsworth, Senators: GOLDTHWAIT of Hancock, KIEFFER of Aroostook.
Public Hearing: 03/19/99. OTP-AM Accepted 04/13/99.
Amended By: CA H-156, SA/CA S-392.
Final Disposition: Emergency Enacted, Signed 06/11/99, P & S LAWS, Chapter 45.

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