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LD 2144 -- HP1500

An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $50,000,000 to Finance the Acquisition of Lands and Interests in Lands for Conservation, Water Access, Outdoor Recreation, Fish and Wildlife Habitat and Farmland Protection and to Access $25,000,000 in Matching Contributions from Public and Private Sources. (GOVERNOR'S BILL).

Presented By: Representative MURPHY of Kennebunk
Cosponsored By: Representatives: BUMPS of China, DUNLAP of Old Town, KNEELAND of Easton, MARTIN of Eagle Lake, PIEH of Bremen, ROWE of Portland, Senators: AMERO of Cumberland, LAWRENCE of York.
Public Hearing: 04/06/99.
Final Disposition: Ought Not to Pass Pursuant to Joint Rule 310 05/05/99.

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