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LD 32 -- HP0022

An Act to Allow Reimbursement of Registered Nurse First Assistants for Surgical Procedures.

Presented By: Representative BROOKS of Winterport
Cosponsored By: Senator GOLDTHWAIT of Hancock and Representatives: BAKER of Bangor, BRAGDON of Bangor, CHIZMAR of Lisbon, DUNLAP of Old Town, HATCH of Skowhegan, SHIELDS of Auburn, SNOWE-MELLO of Poland, Senator CATHCART of Penobscot.
Public Hearing: 03/01/99. Majority (OTP-AM) Accepted 05/24/99.
Amended By: CA H-649, SA/CA S-343.
Final Disposition: Enacted, Signed 06/05/99, PUBLIC LAWS, Chapter 412.

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