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LD 376 -- SP0140

Original Title: An Act to Require Disclosure to Insurance Consumers That Long-term Care Insurance Policies Meet the Standards for the Deductibility of Premiums.
New Title
An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to Long-term Care Insurance and to Require Disclosure to Insurance Consumers that Long-term Care Insurance Policies are Tax-qualified for Purposes of Federal and State Income Tax.

Presented By: Senator ABROMSON of Cumberland
Cosponsored By: Representative BRUNO of Raymond and Senators: BENNETT of Oxford, HARRIMAN of Cumberland, MILLS of Somerset, PENDLETON of Cumberland, SMALL of Sagadahoc, Representatives: COLWELL of Gardiner, SAXL of Portland.
Public Hearing: 02/01/99. OTP-AM Accepted 05/06/99.
Amended By: CA (Changed Title) S-197.
Final Disposition: Enacted, Signed 05/24/99, PUBLIC LAWS, Chapter 292.

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