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LD 1436 -- HP1025

An Act to Transfer the Regulatory Responsibilities of the Arborist Examining Board to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources.

(Submitted by the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation pursuant to Joint Rule 204.)
Presented By: Representative O'NEAL of Limestone
Cosponsored By: Senator KONTOS of Cumberland and Representatives: BOLDUC of Auburn, BOWLES of Sanford, CLOUGH of Scarborough, MENDROS of Lewiston, SHOREY of Calais, TRIPP of Topsham, USHER of Westbrook, Senator MacKINNON of York.
Public Hearing: 03/15/99. OTP Accepted 03/31/99.
Amended By: SA S-63.
Final Disposition: Enacted, Signed 04/16/99, PUBLIC LAWS, Chapter 84.

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