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LD 78 -- HP0065

Original Title: An Act to Ensure Funding for a Replacement Correctional Facility in Washington County.
New Title
Resolve, Establishing the Replacement Simultaneously of State Correctional Facilities in Cumberland and Washington Counties as the First Priority If Additional General Obligation Bond Issues or Lease Appropriation Bonds are Authorized by the Legislature.

Presented By: Representative BAGLEY of Machias
Cosponsored By: Senator CASSIDY of Washington and Representatives: AHEARNE of Madawaska, DUGAY of Cherryfield, GILLIS of Danforth, GOODWIN of Pembroke, McALEVEY of Waterboro, POVICH of Ellsworth, SHOREY of Calais.
Public Hearing: 02/11/99. OTP-AM Accepted 04/13/99.
Amended By: CA (Changed Title) H-150.
Final Disposition: Finally Passed, Signed 05/04/99, RESOLVE LAWS, Chapter 17.

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