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LD 856 -- HP0616

Original Title: An Act to Create Minimum Education Requirements for Prisoners in the Department of Corrections System.
New Title
Resolve, Establishing the Commission to Study the Educational Needs of Offenders in the State's Correctional System.

Presented By: Representative BAKER of Bangor
Cosponsored By: Senator PARADIS of Aroostook and Representatives: BELANGER of Caribou, BROOKS of Winterport, GREEN of Monmouth, McKEE of Wayne, MUSE of South Portland, SAXL of Bangor, WATSON of Farmingdale, Senator MILLS of Somerset.
Public Hearing: 02/23/99. OTP-AM Accepted 05/04/99. House: Emergency Final Passage Failed 05/12/99. Senate: Indefinitely Postponed 06/05/99.
Final Disposition: Died in Concurrence 06/05/99.

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