Nutrition - March 2019
- Nutrition
- Lunch & Learn
- Tic-Tac-Toe
Are you supposed to eat like a caveman?
The Paleo Diet is based on the caveman approach. They hunted and fished, and gathered veggies, roots, fruits and berries. The caveman didn’t eat grains, dairy, legumes, sugar or salt. Is this a balanced diet and is it for you?
Should those with diabetes eliminate carbohydrates?
With or without diabetes, carbohydrates play an important role in a healthy diet. Which carbs should you include and which should you avoid?
MyPlate - A tool for making healthy choices!
Understand the dietary guidelines for Americans, and how MyPlate- can help you eat the right amount of food.
Use the Dietary Guidelines, MyPlate and Food Labels to Make Healthy Choices (PDF)
To find out YOUR specific calorie needs, use the Estimated Daily Calorie Needs table (PDF)
Lunch & Learn
Nutrition Trends
Nutrition trends are overtaking the media! From fad diets and quick tricks to new foods and magical ingredients, it's easy to get confused and difficult to decipher fact from fiction. Join us for this seminar, led by a Registered
Dietitian from Wellness Workdays, to uncover today's trendiest nutrition tips and discover what the research proves.
Monday March 25
11:30 - 12:30PM
Room 216
URL (if joining by computer):
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Conference phone number: 1-877-455-0244
Conference code: 3325486654
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How to Play Nutrition Tic-Tac-Toe
This challenge is simply a way to create awareness of how you can include healthier nutritional decisions in your day.
Print off one game sheet a week, place an “X” over the square of any of the items you complete in the day, for example, if the box says, “Have two servings of fruit,” place an “X” in the box if you had them, then, choose which
direction you will attempt to go to make the Tic-Tac-Toe across, up, down or diagonal to get three in a row for the day. After one month, you hopefully will incorporate some of the healthy nutrition habits in your daily life.