MaineDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Funding

General Information about the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Funding
  • This program assists with funding sidewalks, pedestrian crossing improvements, off-road transportation- related trails, downtown transportation improvements, projects that address safety and/or ADA compliance concerns, etc.
  • The goal of this program is to improve transportation and safety, encourage healthful activities, and promote economic development, while improving the livability and vitality of local communities
  • MaineDOT is currently accepting applications for projects to be constructed 3 years out. Communities seeking construction outside of this timeline would need to contact the BikePed Program Manager to discuss this request.
Application Process

Step 1 - Phone Call: Call the MaineDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager at (207) 624-3000 to discuss project ideas at any time.

Step 2 - Site Visit: After your initial phone call, schedule a site visit to explore and discuss project alternatives, funding opportunities, and the current application process.

Step 3 - Complete Application: To be considered for future funding, an eligible applicant must complete MaineDOT’s current Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Funding Application. The application must be completed in its entirety and include detailing and specific information. To maximize the likelihood of your project being selected for funding and to ensure that you have provided all of the required information, MaineDOT encourages communities to utilize the most current Application Scoring Form as a guide when completing the application.

Step 4 - Secure Local Match: Before a community can submit their application to MaineDOT for consideration, they MUST secure their non-federal matching funds (a minimum of 20% of the total project cost). Local guidelines and requirements will determine the process your community will follow to secure the required non-federal match. Documentation indicating that the non-federal match has been secured must be provided as part of the community’s application materials.

Step 5 – Submit the Application and Supporting Materials: MaineDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has an open and rolling application process. However, to be considered for the next annual funding period, completed applications must be submitted by no later than July 15th.

Step 6 - Decision: In September of each year, the MaineDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program will review and score all eligible and completed applications for projects that were received prior to July 15th. These applications will have been signed and include all the required information including documentation that the non-federal match has been secured. Projects will be selected for funding based upon the application’s overall points awarded with those applications with the highest scores having the highest priority. Projects in the prioritized list will be selected until the available funding has been exhausted.

Step 7 – Announcement: Projects selected for future funding will be announced in January of each year once MaineDOT releases its updated 3-Year Work Plan. Recipients will receive notification that includes the assigned Project Manager and their contact information as well as additional pertinent information.

Step 8 – Second Chance: Applications that are not selected for funding may be selected at a future point in time. Communities whose applications are not selected for future funding will be notified sometime in January once MaineDOT’s Work Plan is releases. The notification will include the completed scoring rubric so the community will know which sections of the application were stronger and which ones needed more information. These communities will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the MaineDOT Program Manager to discuss their application and the application’s scoring results. Non-funded communities can then update and resubmit their application once they have provided additional information to address those sections of the application where points were not awarded. These applications will be considered during the next round of funding.

For more information:Please contact MaineDOT at (207) 624-3000.

Application Materials
  • Application Form:  (please note that a site visit by the MaineDOT Program Manager and documentation that the required non-federal match has been secured are required before the Application Form may be submitted. (DOC) (PDF)
  • MaineDOT Scoring Criteria Form:  MaineDOT encourages applicants to utilize the Scoring Criteria Form to guide them in the development of their responses to the individual question on the Application Form. (DOC) (PDF)

For more information: Please contact (207) 624-3000.

MaineDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program

MaineDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Funding was previously known as the Transportation Alternatives (TAP), Transportation Enhancements (TE), Quality Communities (QC), and Safe Routes to School (SRTS) funding programs.  It is a federally-funded program to help communities improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, and to provide transportation options that relate to surface transportation under the eligible categories outlined under the FAST Act and prioritized by MaineDOT.  These priorities include: 

  • Safe Routes to School for non-drivers
  • Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities
  • Utilization of Transportation Corridors for BikePed Trails.

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Program principally supports locally-initiated projects that improve the community transportation environment, economic vibrancy, safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, downtown revitalization initiatives and environmental mitigation. There is a required 20% non-federal share required under the federal requirements.

Funding opportunities are available to help expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience through eligible activities related to surface transportation, including pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, safety programs, ADA Accessibility projects, and efforts to ensure that school age children can safely access their local schools and afterschool programs.  Projects must relate to surface transportation and must qualify under one or more of the eligible categories outlined under the FAST Act.  The FAST Act is the primary source of funding for bicycle and pedestrian stand-alone projects in the United States and in Maine. Successful projects must demonstrate that they will provide improved access or improve safety conditions.  

Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

Though no longer a formal program under the FAST Act, Safe Routes to School Projects remain an eligible activity under this funding source.  MaineDOT continues to fund and prioritize SRTS projects utilizing the previous guidance provided by FWHA.  SRTS Projects enable and encourage children, including those with disabilities, to safely walk and bicycle to/from school and after-school activities. Major goals of the program are to increase bicycle, pedestrian and traffic safety, and to assist communities in improving conditions for walking and bicycling to school. MaineDOT seeks projects that substantially improve the ability of students to walk and bicycle within two miles of an elementary or middle school. These applications may be submitted throughout the year as part of MaineDOT's rolling application process.

Safe Routes to School programs are intended to provide resources for infrastructure improvements and activities to increase the number of students walking and bicycling to school and after school activities. Infrastructure improvements such as school zone lights, traffic calming and sidewalk improvements are intended to be part of a larger effort within communities to improve conditions and raise awareness of the benefits of walking and biking to school. The Safe Routes to School Program provides funding for projects within two miles of an elementary or middle school. Infrastructure improvements must be within two miles of a school to make walking and biking safer for students (e.g.  sidewalks, signage, crossings, bike lanes, traffic calming, etc.). In Maine, SRTS projects have a higher priority for funding consideration each year. Funding for SRTS projects requires a 20% minimum non-federal match.

For specific questions, or to schedule a site visit for your community, please contact MaineDOT by phone at (207) 624-3000.