Western Ave. Bridge Replacement - Project Updates

January 2025

Throughout January, crews worked to construct the temporary bridge and its approaches, install timber curbs, concrete barriers, and pedestrian access, and prepare for its opening from January 26-28. Shielding was added to the existing bridge, which is being prepped for demolition, while work continued on abutment forms and saw cutting. On Western Avenue, crews paved islands, installed temporary traffic signals, and relocated lighting, including removing existing signal mast arms. Traffic control measures were put in place for detours, the Whitten Road Connector, and temporary striping.

November / December 2024

Throughout November and December, crews have been diligently advancing key aspects of the bridge project to ensure safety and maintain traffic flow during construction.

Bridge Work

Crews are focusing on the construction of the temporary bridge, including work on the pile bents and approaches for the detour. Traffic control devices and signage are being installed to guide motorists safely. Formwork and re-steel for Abutment #2’s stem section are underway, with night crews installing beams and concrete slabs for the temporary bridge.

New Exit 109 On-Ramp

Significant progress is being made on the new ramp, with crews installing electrical and fiber conduits, junction boxes, and new light bases. The newly energized lights along the ramp will enhance visibility and safety for drivers.

Western Avenue Roadway Work

As part of Phase 2, the islands on Western Avenue and Whitten Road are being removed per project plans, with paving operations scheduled in these areas.

Traffic Control

Traffic control remains a priority, with new devices and signage installed to support detours, including on the Whitten Road Connector. Temporary traffic signals are being set up, and Exit 109B will be closed on Sunday, December 15, 2024. Drivers will be detoured via Exit 109A during the closure.

September 2024

At the Western Avenue Bridge in Augusta, work progressed steadily at both abutments and on the temporary bridge. Crews focused on abutment #2, conducting structural excavation and cleaning the ledge at the north footing section while installing temporary structural support. At abutment #1, forms and reinforcement (re-steel) were installed for the north stem and wingwall section. Concurrently, work continued on the construction of the temporary bridge.

By the end of the month, additional tasks included placing concrete for the abutment #1 expansion and stripping the cured sections. Efforts also advanced on the temporary bridge, with concrete placed in the bridge beds and traffic control devices and signage installed. Structural support continued at abutment #2's northwest wing, while drainage installation occurred on Whitten Road Connector. On I-95 southbound, pavement markings were ground off, and lane shift striping was completed during a nighttime operation.

July 2024

Throughout the month of July, crews worked on structural rock excavation at abutment 1, and cleaning off ledge at the abutment 1 footing. Footing forms and re-steel were installed .at abutment 1. Concrete was placed in the north footing section of abutment 1. Crews worked on the temporary bridge. Crews stripped forms for abutment 2 and the south wingwall.

June 2024

Throughout the month of June, crews from the department worked on excavating to structural rock, cleaning ledge, and the installation of footing forms at abutment 1. Concrete was placed for abutment 1, while forms were stripped from abutment 2.

May 2024

Throughout the month of May crews have worked on the Augusta Western Ave Bridge project with structural rock excavation and clearing ledge at abutment 2 footing. Footing forms were installed at abutment 2 and concrete placed. Crews excavated to structural rock for the abutment 1 north wingwall, along with working on temporary footings for the temporary bridge. The project is scheduled for completion in 2026. The contractor for this project is Reed & Reed, and the contract amount is $30 million.

April 2024

Throughout April, crews worked on bridge abutments, with work at abutment 1 consisting of clearing ledge, earth excavation, footing form installation, and structural steel installation. Work at abutment 2 saw earth and rock excavation.

March 2024

Work for the month of March included cleaning off the existing ledge at abutment 1. Crews have been continuing structural earth excavation at abutment 1, along with installing footing forms with reinforcing steel. Structural rock and earth excavation at abutment 2.

February 2024

Crews at the Augusta Western Ave site continued their work through February with structural earth excavation and bedrock removal at abutment 1. A crane was mobilized. Forms were built for abutment 1 in laydown yard. Workers continued excavation of structural earth excavation at abutment 2.