"The LAP" Commuter Bus - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where are the bus stops located?
  • Stops are located at Bates College, Lewiston Oak Street station, Auburn Transportation Center, the Lewiston/Auburn Transportation Center at Turnpike Exit 75, Monument Square, and Portland Transportation Center.

  • What are the hours of service?
  • Service is available from 4:30 a.m. to 12:07 a.m. during the week and from 6:00 a.m. to 9:29 p.m. on weekends. Click here to see the complete bus schedule

  • How many passengers can ride on the bus?
  • Two vehicles are currently in service, a 26-seat bus and a 24-seat bus. A second 26-seat bus is expected to enter service in August.

  • Are bikes allowed on the buses?
  • Bikes are not currently allowed on the buses. The provider, RTW Management, is looking into adding bike racks to the buses.

  • Is Wi Fi available on the buses?
  • Yes, Wi Fi is available on the buses.

  • Do the buses have seat belts?
  • Yes, the buses have seat belts.

  • How much is the fare?
  • The one-way fare is $8.

  • Are weekly or monthly discounts available?
  • MaineDOT and the provider, RTW Management, are looking at discount packages in the coming weeks.

  • How do I purchase tickets?
  • Tickets are available through the Token Transit app. Riders can also pay with cash. Please note that drivers are not able to make change.

  • Are the buses accessible for individuals with physical disabilities?
  • Yes, the buses are accessible for individuals with physical disabilities or limited mobility.

  • Are car seats and strollers for infants and toddlers allowed on the buses?
  • Yes, car seats and strollers are allowed on the buses, provided they are broken down. Children are not allowed to remain in the stroller during the trip.

  • Do the buses have air conditioning?
  • Yes, the buses have air conditioning.