Please note this RFP is closed.  
Please check our Homepage for Any Current RFP Solicitations.

Standard Offer Bid Solicitation
For Maine Public Service Company Territory

Request for Proposals issued September 16, 2003
For Service Beginning March 1, 2004
Initial Proposals due October 15, 2003

Orders and Press Releases

(Summary of Updates)

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RFP Body (pdf) (word
Appendix A (Chapter 301 of MPUC Rules) (pdf) (word)
Appendix B (Other Rules & Standards) (pdf) (word)
Appendix C (Standard Form Contract) (pdf) (word)
                Attachment A (pdf) (word)
                Attachment B (pdf) (word)
                Attachment C (pdf) (word)

Appendix D (Applicable Fees)
(pdf) (word)
Appendix E (Billing Determinates
                All customers, pdf
                Current SO customers only, pdf
                For both the above sets of customers, excel 
Appendix F ( License Application for CEPs)
(pdf) (word)
Appendix G (System Losses) (pdf) (excel)
Appendix H (Statement of Commitment)
(pdf) (word)
Appendix I ( SO Class Definitions)
(pdf) (word)
Appendix J (Advisory Ruling)
(pdf) (word) 

Load Data

Residential/Small Non-Residential Class Profiles

Residential Profile

Small Commercial Profile

Lighting Profile

Medium Non-Residential Class Profile
Medium Non-Residential Class Interval Metered Loads (new file added 10/24/03)


Large Non-Residential Class Total Loads, January 2002 - August 2003


Total MPS Retail Hourly Loads, 2002


Actual SO Hourly Loads (2002) (2003)

MPS Coincident Peak Load by Month, Total and SO Retail

Large Customers by kWh ranges


Billing Determinates