Class IA Renewables Procurement

Request for Proposals for the Sale of Energy and Renewable Energy Credits to Promote the Reuse of Contaminated Land Pursuant to 35-A M.R.S. S. 3210-J

Docket No. 2024-00235

Date Update
August 30, 2024 RFP Issued
November 1, 2024 Proposals Due

Pursuant to An Act To Promote Economic Reuse of Contaminated Land Through Clean Energy Development. P.L. 2023, Chapter 321 and Chapter 397 of the Commission’s rules, the Commission is seeking proposals from eligible Class IA resources for the sale of energy and renewable energy credits (RECs). To be an eligible Class IA resource, a generation facility must meet the requirements for a Maine Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Class 1A resource as defined in 35-A M.R.S. section 3210(2)(A-3) that begins commercial operation on or after September 19, 2023 and for which either an interconnection agreement has been executed or a system impact study has commenced if one is required by the relevant Regional Transmission Organization or Independent System Operator or Administrator as recognized by FERC. 

Bidders selected will enter into contract(s) with one or both of Maine’s investor-owned transmission and distribution utilities, i.e., Central Maine Power Company (CMP) and Versant Power (Versant). A contract will be for a term of 20 years, unless the Commission finds a contract for a longer term to be prudent. Proposals will be evaluated based upon the requirements and objectives stated in the Act, Chapter 397, and the Request for Proposals (RFP).

Bidders may submit questions or request additional information by email to:

To the extent bidder inquiries elicit generally applicable information or corrections/clarifications to existing information, a Question-and-Answer log (Q&A Log) will be available on this site and will be updated periodically.

To the extent bidder inquiries elicit generally applicable information or corrections/clarifications to existing information, a Question and Answer Log (Q&A Log) will be available on this site and will be updated periodically.