15:07:54 From Janet McKenney : I sat out on my deck a lot... 15:08:32 From Pam Slattery-Thomas : Perfect! 15:10:29 From Janet McKenney : My grandson is going to nursery school in Palo Alto. I am both excited and worried... waiting for photos. 15:10:59 From cappleby : good luck. I'm sure photos will be adorable! 15:11:07 From Debbie Lozito : My granddaughter started preschool this morning. She LOVED it 15:11:39 From Pam Slattery-Thomas : Thank goodness for the instant photos and connections. 15:12:12 From Debbie Lozito : she wore her little mask with apples on it, and was happy about that 15:27:04 From davismemoriallibrary : One question…have there been any cases related to libraries or did they all close up and now are quarantining items if they are open at all? 15:28:37 From Lisa Shaw : @davismemoriallibrary - Do you mean Maine libraries? 15:28:41 From Jeff : I think the unofficial word is that if there was a case traced back to a library, we all would have heard about it. There has been an article or two about libraries re-closing in other parts of the country but I think in some cases those were due to general surges in their areas and/or staff illnesses. 15:29:16 From davismemoriallibrary : Maine and all over. Thanks. 15:30:30 From Carla : I wonder about detectable versus viable... 15:31:31 From Bernie : @ Carla they don't know how much of the virus is needed to cause illness, so don't know viable yet 15:31:36 From Bernie : imho 15:31:58 From Carla : Thanks, Bernie. (Carla in New Gloucester) 15:32:49 From Jeff : Anne Arundel in MD reclosed due to people not being willing to wear masks (supposedly, that's why) and then there was this article from American Libraries which mentioned reclosures staff in Louisiana and also patrons in WV who coughed on items on purpose (lovely...) Nothing about library items... 15:32:51 From Jeff : https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/blogs/the-scoop/covid-19-reclosing-after-reopening/ 15:33:54 From Carla : So, Janet, in order words "All of us have to get used to a level of risk in everything we do." 15:34:39 From Carla : in other words... 15:38:38 From stratton public library : Sorry I came in late, what is the scoop on books being stacked in quarantine taking more time to be rid of the virus 15:39:28 From Lisa Shaw : @stratton: Not likely to affect how ILL is conducted in Maine, as our rate is very low 15:39:42 From Lisa Shaw : and most libraries are quarantining for plenty of time 15:40:27 From stratton public library : What about our own books at our library, not just Ills 15:41:27 From stratton public library : Even if they are stacked? 15:42:38 From Mamie : The thing about ILL is that the customer doesn't know exactly when a book is coming in. They won't be able to tell that a book is being quarantined for an extra dday. 15:44:09 From Madison Public : We don't check in our returns until after they are quarantined so our patrons "see" that the book is still "out" in the catalog. 15:44:14 From Ben Treat : "This book has been quarantined for 72 hours. Still, please don't lick the book." 15:44:21 From cletourneau : We have an info sheet here at APL about time frames and what to expect. 15:44:38 From Danie : *TOTALLY NOT DANIE* 15:44:39 From Caroline @ Thomaston Public Library : I have literally said that to some of my patrons (but only some of them...) 15:45:08 From Lisa Shaw : "Keep your nose out of a good book." 15:45:09 From Hope @ Caribou Public Library : Caribou puts a slim slip inside the books packaged for curbside pickup that notes it was quarantined for 7 business days and was processed wearing PPE. 15:45:14 From Blue Hill Public Library : We need those paper bands that hotels put across sanitized toilets 15:45:15 From Jeff : exactly Ben. It's prob not even on people's radar, certainly not as much as it is on ours...I wonder if we give people too much information, then they worry too much... 15:45:26 From Beth Kane : Circling back to Jamie's message about Freedom Express delivery days. Did he say that all libraries who currently get deliveries on 4 days or less will now never receive a Monday delivery? 15:45:39 From cletourneau : I can give Mamie the APL handout to share if anyone is interested! 15:45:50 From Carver Library : "Returns will be quarantined for 3 days before being checked in. They will show on your account during that time, but there are no overdue fees." 15:46:06 From Caroline @ Thomaston Public Library : I would love to see the APL handout! 15:46:12 From Julie Sawtelle Cumston Pub LIb, Monmouth : Me too 15:46:18 From davismemoriallibrary : Me too 15:46:25 From Gardiner Public Library : We would love to see the APL handout as well! 15:46:59 From Pam Slattery-Thomas : me too ;-) 15:47:18 From Mamie : We will get the APL handout out to everyone. The lending staff did a great job with it. 15:47:19 From Michelle conroy : Bethel is interested in the handout slips 15:47:26 From Ricker Memorial : Me Too 15:47:42 From Carver Library : Wait, one day deliveries are on which day? 15:47:46 From Mary Anne Mead : SWHPL would love to see the handout too! 15:47:51 From BPL Director : ONE DAY - is Thursday??? 15:47:56 From Kimberly MSL : 1 Day Thursday 2 Days Tuesday & Thursdays 3 Days Tues/Thurs/Fri 4 Days Tues through Fri 15:48:17 From BPL Director : What if we are not open? 15:48:27 From BPL Director : on Thursdays 15:48:38 From Kathleen Kramer : When will these changes be implemented? 15:49:10 From Kimberly MSL : Most started last week. Some starting next week. 15:49:42 From Kimberly MSL : If you are not open there are options. 15:49:54 From Nancy : We only have one day delivery and we are closed on Thursdays- so should I send a Feedback form about that? 15:50:07 From Kathleen Kramer : Who will be contacting us for arrangements if we're closed on the proposed day? FX? 15:50:15 From Carver Library : Sample verbiage "Returns will be quarantined for 3 days before being checked in. They will show on your account during that time, but there are no overdue fees." 15:50:42 From Kimberly MSL : 1) Providing FX a key, I can send directions to you. 2) Outside box 3) Alt Location (town office etc.) 15:50:55 From Kathleen Kramer : Thank you 15:51:23 From Nancy : Thanks, I'll do a form. 15:51:29 From Kimberly MSL : Please do not give FX drivers keys 15:51:39 From Kimberly MSL : They need to be sent to FX directly. 15:52:00 From Bernie : so Mon/Wed was their busiest days. Now, no deliveries on those days (except 5 day deliveries)? 15:52:28 From BPL Director : We have not been contacted.... 15:52:55 From Janet McKenney to Bernie(Privately) : Yes, that is correct 15:53:12 From maecorrion : What about security systems and alarm codes? 15:53:16 From Nancy : When will they start this new schedule? 15:53:23 From BeckyAmes : Simpson and Newport haven't been contacted 15:53:23 From Lperkins : Rice PL ( Credit to Asher L ) created a color coded spreadsheet with Quarantine times for different materials 15:54:08 From Carver Library : Carver hasn't heard either, they came and took our things but didn't drop off... 15:54:33 From Kimberly MSL : They made a lot of changes on Aug 31st. Then there is a second round on the 13th. 15:54:43 From Hope @ Caribou Public Library : Caribou got a regular pickup/delivery today. 15:54:44 From BPL Director : From Berwick - Yes, what about alarm systems? 15:55:25 From Jeff : FX should diversify and start carrying other things for new revenue streams, since they're covering the state so well - maybe our mail will arrive on time :) 15:55:27 From Kimberly MSL : Directions on how to disarm would have to be sent to FX. 15:55:48 From Bernie : Thankfully, they are still willing to move thruout the whole state 15:56:06 From Amy Levine : JEff, I know they do pharmacies... 15:56:48 From Jeff : ah that makes sense, Amy. 15:57:18 From Ruth Eveland : It is such a meaningful enhancement of our service that we will do what we can to make it work. 15:58:38 From Caroline @ Thomaston Public Library : Agreed, Ruth! 15:59:02 From Amy Levine : Will there be an announcement when the new labels are ready to be printed? 15:59:41 From Kimberly MSL : There will be an updated downloadable spreadsheet with route #s and days coming. 16:03:03 From Danie : YSS is still hosting our Tween/Teen Zoom chat tomorrow at 10am! 16:04:08 From Ruth Eveland : And Jesup in Bar Harbor too. 16:05:09 From Ruth Eveland : We sell through Amazon, I mean. 16:05:29 From Alice Olson-Dr Shaw Mem. Library : Thank you so much. Glad to have a direction on continuing the same amount of quarantining, for now. 16:05:32 From Sue Schroeder : Thanks for keeping us so well informed, Janet! 16:05:50 From Andrea DeBiase : Is anyone going to be open 6 days/week this winter? 16:06:05 From Hope @ Caribou Public Library : Caribou is. We start this Saturday. 16:06:32 From Danie to Janet McKenney(Privately) : Hey Janet, I licked my book. Just so you know. 16:06:32 From Holly@PittsfieldPL : We are, Andrea, like Caribou, starting this Saturday. 16:06:47 From Michelle conroy : The Bethel Library has been opened 6 days a week since June 16:07:18 From Debbie Lozito : Thanks, Janet for all you do 16:07:22 From Carver Library : Thanks Ruth! 16:07:23 From davismemoriallibrary : Thanks Janet! 16:07:24 From Bernie : Janet you are caring for people throughout the state, so thanks for nudging! 16:07:31 From Caroline @ Thomaston Public Library : Thank you! 16:07:31 From Michelle conroy : Thank you Janet 16:07:35 From Mamie : Thanks, everyone! 16:07:38 From Mary Anne Mead : Thanks, Janet!!! 16:07:40 From Pam Slattery-Thomas : Thank you! 16:07:42 From Amy Wisehart : Thanks! 16:07:45 From Korina Lee : Thank you! 16:07:50 From Samantha Cote, Windham Public Library to Janet McKenney(Privately) : Thanks, Janet, for my extrovert opportunity! 16:07:50 From Hope @ Caribou Public Library : Thank you!!! 16:07:50 From Lperkins : Thank you! stay well !