Rest as a Sustainability Practice (CLE)

Date: July 12, 2024 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Host: PDS
Credits: 1 (Ethics)
Cost: Free
Location: Zoom
Registration: [Register Here]

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Summary: This one-hour CLE will explore the need for attorneys to implement rest and time off into their schedules, no matter how busy they are. Topics will include anxiety and entrenched habits around checking email, the mind/body benefits of taking a breather (and what could happen if you don't), and how to integrate breaks into the long-term trajectory of your law practice. Admission Restrictions: To attend this training, you must be eligible to accept PDS case assignments or a student at Maine Law.

Faculty Biographical Information: Julia R. Teitel, Esq., is the Executive Director of the Maine Assistance Program for Lawyers and Judges (MAP). Prior to MAP, Julia served as an Assistant Attorney General in the Child Protection Division of the Office of the Maine Attorney General. Julia is a graduate of the University of Maine School of Law, where she was a legal writing teaching assistant and active with the LGBTQ+ Law and Policy Group, the Cumberland Legal Aid Clinic, and competitive Moot Court teams. Julia has been part of Maine’s recovery community for many years and has been involved with MAP in various capacities since law school, including as a member of the MAP Governing Commission. Before law school, Julia worked as a domestic violence advocate and community educator and volunteered with Restorative Justice Project Maine. Julia and MAP can be reached at (207) 266-5951 or by email at All communications and actions taken by MAP with its clients and referents are held in the strictest confidence.