Webinar Recordings

If you wanted to attend Maine Revenue Services Webinars, but were unable, you can still watch them using the Zoom links below.

Rollout One Recordings:

Introducing the Maine Tax Portal!
*PDF: Q&A from Introduction webinar

Sales, Fuel and Special Tax Division
Webinar - Health Care Provider, Potato, Cannabis Excise 
Access Passcode: bF+*4!rB

Income Tax Division
Webinar - Corporate Income, Franchise, Insurance Premiums, Fire Investigations, Non-Admitted Premiums, Estate
Access Passcode: N2#&rftx

Rollout Two Recordings:

Sales, Fuel and Special Tax Division
Webinar - Sales/Use and Service Provider

Income Tax Division
Webinar - Withholding and Pass Through Entity Withholding

Payroll Service Processors
Webinar - Payroll Service Processors

Rollout Three Recordings:

Property Tax Division
Webinar - Municipal Valuation Return (MVR)

Webinar - Commercial Forestry Excise Tax

Webinar - Telecom

Income Tax Division
Webinar - Fiduciary 

Webinar - Individual Income Tax

Sales, Fuel and Special Tax Division
Webinar - Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes

Webinar - Initiator of Deposit & Milk Handling Fees

Webinar - Hospital Tax

Rollout Four Recordings:

Property Tax Division
Webinar - Real Estate Transfer Declarations for Originators

Webinar - UT Vehicles & Watercraft for UT Collectors Only

Webinar - Real Estate & CI for Registry Employees 

Webinar - RETT for Municipal Assessing Agents

Webinar - UT Property Tax 

Sales, Fuel and Special Tax Division
Webinar - Fuel Refund Accounts - How to apply for a refund

Webinar - Special Fuel & Gasoline Excise - How to file returns & make payments

Webinar - Retail Dealer Gas Shrinkage - How to apply for a refund