Driving Records

Driving records can now be purchased online.

To obtain your driving record by mail, please send a written request:

Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Driver License Services Division
29 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0029

Your request must include your full name as it appears on your license, date of birth, current address and appropriate fee, made payable to the Secretary of State. The fee for a 3 year record is $5.00 and the fee for a 10 year record is $10.00.

To request a copy of a conviction, an accident report, or a suspension or revocation notice that is on your record, please include, in addition to the above information, the date of the conviction or accident and the effective date of the suspension or revocation. The fee for this service is $5.00.

If you need a certified copy of the record, add $1.00. If you want the driving record faxed to you, please include your fax number and an additional $2.00 fee.

Please make your check or money order payable to: Secretary of State

*We may not be able to provide certain suspensions and convictions produced through the Violations Bureau if the information was transmitted electronically. To obtain a copy of the actual abstract, you should contact the Violations Bureau at (207) 783-5422.