June 26, 2012
Contact: Megan Sanborn
(207) 441-0501

Secretary of State Charles E. Summers Jr. Reminds Maine Residents of the Various Locations to Register to Vote

The Secretary of State’s office reminds Maine residents of the various locations that individuals are able to register to vote. Those interested may visit their town office, local Bureau of Motor Vehicle Office, Department of Health and Human Services. You also can use the National Mail Voter Registration Form, which may be printed from the web site of the US Elections Assistance Commission at:
For those interested in conducting voter drives, the policy to assure even distribution of voter registration cards, and to avoid having unused registration cards in circulation after new versions are created are as follows:

  • All requests for voter registration cards must be made by completing the VRS Request Form.
  • In advance of each election, statewide candidates and qualified parties may request up to 2,000 cards per week, up to a total of 10,000 cards.
  • In advance of each election, all other candidates, individuals and groups may request up to 1,000 cards per week, up to a total of 5,000 cards.
  • Anyone interested may use the current electronic version of the Voter Registration Card to print additional cards. This electronic version is in a print-ready Adobe PDF format and contains both the front and back of the card.

Voter drive orders for registration cards will be filled as quickly as possible. The new voter registration card will be available on the Secretary of State’s website as of Wednesday, June 27, 2012.