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Retiree Newsletter

Camp Dodge, Iowa, and finally arriving back in state to Loring, Maine.

A life in Iowa is saved by several members of the 152nd Maintenance Company.
On April 16th, a soldier is spotted hanging by a rope in the fire escape area from an adjacent building, apparently attempting to commit suicide. The soldier was pulled over the railing and into the building by members of the 152nd Maintenance Company. After applying CPR, the Iowa soldier began breathing on his own.
The following members of the 152nd Maintenance Company was awarded the Iowa state level medal for saving the life of the Iowa National Guard Soldier. CPT Blair Tinkham, Orrington, 11 years in the Guard, works full time as the training officer for the 286th POL BN; SSG Timothy Grant, Augusta, 20 years, works for OMS4 as a Technician; SSG Matthew V. Gerrish, 31 years, works as a Correctional Officer at Thomaston State Prison; SSG Ronald Spencer, W. Gardiner, 19 years, works for CSMS as a Technician; SGT Jeffrey Young, Auburn, 17 years, works for Hancock Lumber, Assistant Manager, in South Paris; SGT Dale Cullivan, Liberty, 10 years, works for CSMS as a Technician; and PVT2 Douglas Grant, Pittston, 8 months in the National Guard, works for VIP in Farmingdale.

ARLINGTON CEMETERY - Live too far away to visit the Cemetery? Need information on the Cemetery? You can visit and get information on the Web Site at

BOUGHT TO DESTROY – For those of you, who have ever visited the Gettysburg Battlefield, you may have gone up the tower to get a panoramic view of the battlefield. Because a lot of people thought the tower was an eyesore, they wanted it taken down. The owner would not comply, so the tower was bought from the owner and taken down. The purchased price for the tower was $3 million. I guess the owner was not altogether foolish.

NEW WEB SITES – Many of the web sites that you may have not looked at for some time have recently been updated. Some of these are the Army Home Page at; the Military Health System -TRICARE Web Site at; Medicare at; and the US Navy?s Recruiting Web Site at

PHONY E-MAIL TAX – If you have received an E-mail message about the introduction of legislative proposal 602P, by Representative Schnell ®, to permit the government to charge 5 cents for every delivered E-mail, ignore it. It?s a hoax. The first tip that this is a hoax is that Congress does not number its legislative proposals that way, and the second tip is there is no Representative Schnell in the House of Representatives. If you get such an E-mail, please don?t perpetuate the hoax by passing it on or even returning it. Let it die with you. Second don?t waste your elected officials time by sending an E-mail or letter asking them to defeat this measure.

EXPANDED SELECTION IN THE EXCHANGES – DOD would like to remove the restrictions on items that can be sold in the Exchanges, but so far Congress is not ready to approve their plan. Among other items, large-screen TVs, (Those larger than 35 inch), more expensive jewelry, foreign made PCs, more expensive furniture, etc., cannot be sold in exchanges. Some businesses that are close to military bases are opposed because they fear it will hurt their sales. Unless Congress approves, things will stay as they are.

SPACE ?A? TRAVEL FOR RESERVISTS – S2514, introduced in the Senate, would among other things provide improved Space ?A? travel to Reservists. This proposal, if enacted, would make Reservists not intitled to retired pay because they are not yet age 60 and the family members to be eligible for Space ?A? travel on the same basis as retirees in receipt of retired pay.

SPACE ?A? FACILITIES – Want to know where you can catch a Space ?A? flight nearest to you? Go to and click a state. It will tell you if a Space ?A? port is in that state and where.

Pet Planning for Hot Weather Air Travel
Air Mobility Command officials have advised that most
commercial airlines prohibit pet travel when temperatures
rise above 85 degrees. Military charter flights, however, have no heat
