Maine Department of Labor's SafetyWorks!, Maine Fire Service Institute, Office of the State Fire Marshal, and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestrys Maine Forest Service partner to promote worker safety Bookmark and Share

October 16, 2023

For Immediate Release: October 16, 2023

Maine Department of Labor's SafetyWorks!, Maine Fire Service Institute, Office of the State Fire Marshal, and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's Maine Forest Service partner to promote worker safety

View graphic of the signing of the alliance

AUGUSTA, ME - The Maine Department of Labor's Workplace Safety and Health Division (SafetyWorks!), Maine Fire Service Institute, Office of the State Fire Marshal, and Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's Maine Forest Service (MFS) have formed a strategic alliance - to provide compliance assistance, training, and resources to first responders to prevent or reduce exposure to hazards associated with firefighting.

"While SafetyWorks has long partnered with fire officials to promote and ensure the safety of Maine's first responders, this alliance will allow us to formally leverage our respective resources and collaborate on this crucial work. At the end of the day, it's about going home safely," Steven Greeley, Director of MDOL's Workplace Safety and Health Division, said.

The allied partners will:

  • Develop training and education programs for firefighters, fire investigators, and fire inspection professionals to provide an understanding of worker's rights, including using the Bureau of Labor Standards complaint process, the responsibilities of employers, and to communicate such information to workers and employers.
  • Develop effective training and education programs for firefighting or fire inspection professionals to promote understanding of immediate and long-term health effects of fire and post-fire hazards.
  • Develop and disseminate information through print and electronic media, including links from SafetyWorks!, Maine Fire Service Institute, Maine State Fire Marshal, and Maine Forest Service websites.
  • Have SafetyWorks! speak, exhibit, and appear at Maine Fire Service Institute, Maine State Fire Marshal, and Maine Forest Service local meetings and other events.
  • Share information on best practices with other industries and publicize the results through outreach by SafetyWorks!, Maine Fire Service Institute, Maine State Fire Marshal, and Maine Forest Service developed training programs and material.

"This official collaboration with other Maine state fire service agencies is vital to fire service training and education. Information sharing, partnering on program deliveries and providing subject matter experts across agencies will pay great dividends to today's fire service professionals," said James A. Graves, Director of the Maine Fire Service Institute. "The Maine Fire Service Institute looks forward to enhanced fire training opportunities through this partnership for the betterment of the Maine Fire Service and for the greater good of our state's citizens."

"The Fire Marshal's Office is looking forward to working with SafetyWorks!, Maine Fire Service Institute and Maine Forest Service to provide training and resources to firefighters, fire investigators and fire inspectors to educate themselves against the dangers they face in their daily work. These fire professionals face hazards in their work every day and the Alliance will provide them critical information to protect their health and safety," said Richard McCarthy, State Fire Marshal.

"This official collaboration with other Maine state fire service agencies creates a brighter future for training and education for fire service," said Maine Forest Service Chief Ranger Robby Gross. "In sharing knowledge, partnering on program deliveries, and providing expert support across agencies, we are building a stronger and safer foundation for our dedicated fire service professionals."

The parties signed the alliance on October 16, which can be found here:

The Maine Department of Labor, Workplace Safety and Health Division - promotes a healthful, safe, and fair workplace through consultation services, training resources, worksite inspections and regulatory enforcement. Learn more about SafetyWorks! - in Maine.