Free Fall Protection Course Targets Roofing and Residential Contractors Bookmark and Share

August 24, 2011

Augusta ? In response to a number of work related fall incidents at Maine roofing contractors and residential builders this summer, the Maine Department of Labor SafetyWorks! program is offering a series of fall protection classes next week aimed at helping small contractors address fall hazards in the workplace.

The two-hour classes are scheduled for Presque Isle, Bangor, Fairfield and Portland and will all occur in the evening to accommodate business owners and workers who are on the job during the day. The schedule is as follows:

August 29, 2011 (6:30PM) Presque Isle Career Center August 30, 2011 (6:30PM) Bangor Career Center August 31, 2011 (6:30PM) Portland Career Center September 1, 2011 (6:30PM) Fairfield ? SafetyWorks! Training Institute

All programs are offered free of charge, but pre-registration is required. People can register online at the SafetyWorks! website or by calling SafetyWorks at 207-623-7900 (TTY: 1-800-794-1110).

Participants will learn about fall protection techniques and equipment and OSHA standards for fall protection. Each session will include a demonstration of fall protection harnesses from height.

According to the US Department of Labor falls are one of the leading causes of traumatic occupational fatalities in the United States, accounting for over nearly 650 work related deaths in 2009. In Maine, four serious work related fall incidents have been reported in just the last month.

SafetyWorks! is an outreach program of the Maine Department of Labor designed to reduce job-related injuries, illnesses and deaths. Onsite safety training and consultation services are available by request and are provided free of charge. All services are voluntary and completely confidential. SafetyWorks! is not part of OSHA and does not issue citations or fines.

For more information about the SafetyWorks! program call 207-623-7900 (TTY: 1-800-794-1110) or visit