

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 13, 2017


Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson sets readers up to question criminal justice in the US and the treatment of minority children and families within the system. The main character and narrator, sixteen-year-old Mary, allegedly murdered baby Alyssa eight years ago while babysitting with her mother. Due to the tragic and troubling nature of the crime, readers might find themselves braced against Mary, but she turns out to be a likable and seemingly misunderstood protagonist. As the story unfolds, we read about Mary's life in a group home for girls convicted of various crimes, and we begin to believe that Mary is probably serving time for a crime she did not commit. A twist at the end has readers realizing that our narrator probably hasn't been reliable and that she likely played a role in Alyssa's death.

While the author has a knack for metaphor and figurative language to express Mary’s emotions, this particular crime makes Allegedly a tough book to read.

Many instances of violence, implied sex, culturally offensive language, explicit language, and mental health issues make this more appropriate for high school and adult readers.

Overall rating: Good.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Jackson, Tiffany D.

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780062422644

Price: 17.99



Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 20, 2017


Overturned by Lamar Giles tells the story of Nikki Tate, a girl whose family lives in their Las Vegas casino and whose criminal father has just been released from prison. Nikki balances a normal life - friends, soccer, boyfriends - with an extraordinary life of under-the-table illegal poker games and murder investigation. After evidence surfaces that her father might not be guilty, Nikki embarks on an adventure to solve the crime, while simultaneously falling in love with a competing casino owner’s son.

Giles threads symbolism (cards, poker, and Vegas) throughout this thriller. The main characters are well developed for the most part, though a few key characters (unnamed for fear of spoilers) fall a bit flat. Giles's thrilling writing style keeps readers turning pages as Nikki and her friends uncover evidence and tempt fate.

Readers who have an interest in poker and like mystery/crime novel would enjoy the fast pace and the insiders' view of Vegas depicted in Overturned.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Giles, Lamar

Illustrator: ,

Illustration Quality: good

Publisher: Scholastic

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: mystery

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780545812504

Price: 17.99

The Story of Barbie and the Woman who Created Her

The Story of Barbie and the Woman who Created Her

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 20, 2017


I learned more about Barbie and her creator, Ruth Handler, in the flap of the book than in the full story. The Barbie-lover at my house (my three-year-old daughter) enjoyed the book.

While the illustrations are a strength of the book, many pages look blurred, perhaps for the vintage style the illustrator was looking to achieve. The text explains that the details of Barbie’s outfits and accessories are what separated her and brought fashion to everyday girls, but the illustrations don’t reflect this level of detail on several pages.

I felt the book was missing nods toward the controversy of Barbie's figure, and while the book hints that Ruth Handler overcame obstacles - perhaps because of her gender and the time period - to realize her creation, the text doesn’t explain how or why the Mattel board changed their mind and produced the doll she envisioned. One of the themes in the book is that girls can do whatever they dream, just like Barbie. It seems the author should have connected this theme more to Ruth, whose dreams came true when Barbie became a hit.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Eagan, Cindy

Illustrator: Bates, Amy June

Illustration Quality: good

Publisher: Random House

Book Type: picture book nonfiction

Genre: biography / autobiography

Audience: preschool,grades k-3

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: good

ISBN: 9780399553783

Price: 17.99

The Pout-Pout Fish Far, Far from Home

The Pout-Pout Fish Far, Far from Home

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 20, 2017


Another excellent edition of the Pout-Pout series. Downtrodden Mr Fish embarks on an exciting vacation but hits some “bumps” in this path. With the help of some friends, he makes it to his destination and has a great time experiencing undersea adventures. The illustrations of his “fin-tactic” vacation make for great conversation with young readers, and adult readers will chuckle at each page. A great read!

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Diesen, Deborah

Illustrator: Hanna, Dan

Illustration Quality: excellent

Publisher: Macmillan

Book Type: picture book fiction

Genre: fiction in verse / poetry

Audience: preschool,grades k-3

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780374301941

Price: 17.99



Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 13, 2017


Rachel Brooks is an average soccer-loving 7th grader in Massachusetts - except for scoliosis that’s causing her to need an intense back-brace therapy for 23 hours per day. In Braced, Alyson Gerber explores how Rachel sets goals for herself to continue to play soccer and navigate friendships and budding romances even despite the clumsy brace.

This book would appeal mostly to 6th and 7th grade readers or to others who like to read about teens overcoming the odds.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Gerber, Alyson

Illustrator: ,

Illustration Quality: good

Publisher: Scholastic

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 4-6,grades 7-9

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780545902144

Price: 16.99

The Special Ones

The Special Ones

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 13, 2017


Esther is one of the four special ones chosen by an unnamed selector (“him”) to live on a farmhouse and follow strict rules based on their “remembering books.” They are monitored 24/7 by “him” and viewed by followers, with whom they share every night on chat rooms and they

The Special Ones, Em Bailey was the type of book readers finish up in only a few sittings. By the time we understand the rules and operation of the farmhouse, Bailey switches from Esther’s point of view to “his”, and we become fascinated with the man who created this cult. The shifts in point of view in the second half of the book made the writing feel clumsy, but overall, the story was well-told and kept readers hooked.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Bailey, Em

Illustrator: ,

Illustration Quality: good

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780544912298

Price: 17.99

The Van Gogh Deception

The Van Gogh Deception

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 13, 2017


The Van Gogh Deception by Deron Hicks is a clever and thrilling mystery adventure. The protagonist is a twelve year old boy, Art, whose amnesia causes one of the major problems in the book. He knows more about works of art than most kids his own age, which is a shocking revelation when he is found alone at the National Musuem of Art in Washington, DC with no memory of how he got htere. The adventure begins as Art begins to remember parts of his past and realizes he needs to save his father, who we learn is about toe expose some art collectors as frauds.

Hicks cleverly uses QR codes throughout the text to reveal images of actual works that Art considers along the way as he works to solve the central mystery.

Readers will enjoy the fast pace and the excitement tied to each chapter, especially the satisfying ending. The book reads like a Dan Brown novel for upper elementary and lower middle-level audiences. A great choice for readers who like mystery and action.

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Hicks, Deron

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: adventure

Audience: grades 4-6,grades 7-9

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780544759266

Price: 16.99

Duct Tape Costumes

Duct Tape Costumes

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: November 13, 2017


This book comes from a series of duct tape creation books, including animals, fashion, and survivor gear. Young readers will love the colorful duct tape pictures and the creative costume ideas, though they might be disappointed to find only nine ideas and limited instructions. As a parent, I liked the way the book started with a focus on the history of duct tape, the best way to set up for a project, and some safety tips. Overall, I could see this being a good choice from the library for a creative kid looking for a few craft ideas.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Bernhardt, Carolyn

Illustrator: ,

Illustration Quality: very good

Publisher: Lerner Publications

Book Type: picture book nonfiction


Audience: preschool,grades k-3

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 978151242667

Price: 26.65

The Hanging Girl

The Hanging Girl

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


Content warning: This is a book for more mature audiences, for readers who can handle implications of rape and other violence against women.

Skye pretends to be a tarot-reading psychic for cash to help her mom make ends meet. Then, when a rich and popular classmate goes missing, Skye gets wrapped up in helping the police investigate the disappearance. As readers, we learn that neither of the girls is who she appears to be.

As hard as we want to root for Skye, she has a history of lying that makes it really hard to be on her side, and she makes questionable choices so often that it's tough to read her as a protagonist. The book also contains so many examples of girls hating each other and shaming each other, and it felt unrealistically severe based on conversations I've had so often with my students.

In the end, it was an okay read that kept me turning the pages, but the content was too problematic to give a "very good" or "excellent" rating.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Cook, Eileen

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: mystery,realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 978054482982

Price: 17.99

Sinking of the Sultana

Sinking of the Sultana

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


Much of the story of Civil War soldiers in prisoner of war camps and the history of the Mississippi was fascinating and I learned more about steamboats, the CIvil War, and river travel than I knew before reading. That being said, the writing was confusing in parts and the illustrations and images weren't too exciting, such as travel logs and ship manifests. I don't think Sinking the Sultana would captivate student readers, though it might be a helpful information source for student researchers.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Walker, Sally M.

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Book Type: chapter book nonfiction


Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 0763677558

Price: 24.99

Looking for Group

Looking for Group

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


I loved this book and recommend it for Cream of the Crop.

In Looking For Group, we meet sixteen-year-old Dylan, who has just learned he is in sudden remission from the childhood cancer he thought would kill him. As Dylan looks to a future he never expected to see, he embarks on a journey with a friend he's only met on the internet while playing World of Warcraft. This friend, who was born David, now lives as Arden and her family struggles to accept their transgendered daughter.

To escape the troubles of his family life (a mom who uses Dylan's cancer status to get money for drugs, etc), Dylan sets off to meet Arden in real life, and together they go on a cross-country adventure similar to those they had taken together online in World of Warcraft.

While the World of Warcraft angle nearly turned me off to the book, the author didn't devote too much time to the game. Instead, Looking For Group offers rich characters and dense, crafted descriptions of the emotions of today's teens. The book reminded me, in parts, of David Levithan's _Every Day_ in the way it made me question love and gender. David fell in love with Arden's internet persona and then he met her. David is gay, and he finds himself falling in love with Arden - born male living as female. The sweet and honest love that develops between these characters, and more importantly, Harrison's craft and character development, make _Looking For Group_ an A+.

Here is a 90 Second Book Review video:

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Harrison, Rory

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Harper Teen

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: adventure,realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780062453075

Price: 17.99



Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


Set in a future where people get "spliced" with animal DNA and exhibit animal traits (reptile skin, lion manes, leopard spots, kitten whiskers, etc), Spliced uses science fiction to examine what it truly means to be human. The US Government has recently deemed "mixies" or "chimera" - those who have been spliced - as non-persons" because their DNA is not 100% human, and now their civil rights are at risk.

This book is one of the better YA books I've read recently, which surprised me because I don't typically go for science fiction. I was nervous that the book would be all-concept and no-substance, but I found the combination of well-developed characters paired with an exciting and sci-fi-plausible plot made this book a cream-of-the-crop contender. While the science behind "splicing" doesn't seem plausible, we as readers accept the concept and we move forward with our protagonist, Jimi, who is a human who intends to never get spliced. Her best friend, Del, on the other hand, has an upsetting home life and chooses to escape by getting spliced with salamander DNA. Unfortunately, his back-alley splice goes awry, and Jimi and a group of other chimeras have a limited amount of time to rescue him. Things go from bad to worse, and we as readers cheer on Jimi the whole way.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


McGoran, Jon

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Holiday House New York

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: science fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 9780823438556

Price: 18.95

Hell & High Water

Hell & High Water

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


This book is a tough one to recommend to teen readers. Set in England in the 1750s, the dialogue is old-fashioned and many of the concepts (Punch & Judy, for example) would be foreign to the point of uninteresting for a young adult audience. While the characters were well-developed, I found the plot to be confusing because non-memorable details from earlier on in the story became important later in the book in a way that didn't make sense. I also found the ending to be completely unresolved. Spoiler alert - the antagonist, who seems to have it coming the whole time, gets NO consequences in the end, which made for a wholly unsatisfying reading experience.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Landman, Tanya

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: adventure,historical fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: Choose Binding Type

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780763688752

Price: -18.01

Shadow Girl

Shadow Girl

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


Readers who come to this book looking for a horror story will be sorely disappointed. There is a ghost mentioned about three times within the course of the 324 story, but she's inconsequential and really doesn't seem to matter to the story as a whole. If the author had chosen instead to focus on the main character's experience working as an academic tutor for a strange girl in a dysfunctional family, the book would have been more successful.

I had a few other problems with the author's craft. The main character's name (Mei) doesn't seem to appear in the first hundred pages of the book, which made me, as a reader, feel disconnected to her. Also, she has a rich culture in her family - lots of references to her mother's cooking and breaks in the text for her mother's language, but I was never clear on what this language and culture were. It added confusion to a story that already seemed disjointed. The book's jacket is selling us a horror story, but what we are really getting here is a story about a very intelligent, ambitious young woman working as an academic tutor amidst a family with a lot of problems.

Final thought - there was a trompe-l'oeil effect in the font. At times. the font appeared to be bold, though there wasn't a discernable reason why. Occasionally, Mei's mother's speech seems to appear in bold, but I couldn't tell if it was a trick of the eyes or a legitimate effect the author was attempting. This took me out of the story fairly often during reading.

Overall Book Score: fair

About the Book


Liu, Liana

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Harper Teen

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: horror

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780062306678

Price: 17.99

Eyes of the World

Eyes of the World

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


This gorgeous non-fiction text sweeps readers up into the love story of Robert Capa and Gerda Taro, two innovative photographers and adventurers who revolutionized photojournalism. I found myself kindling a love for non-fiction - a genre I usually avoid - thanks to the crafted storytelling. Each page contains at least one photograph, and while each is in black and white, the collection brings to life a time period in world history (the Spanish Revolution) that I knew nothing about. Gerta is the dreamer and the brains of the operation and Robert is the artist, and together the two create modern photojournalism, each bringing to the forefront a strength that the other lacks.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Aronson/Budhos, Marc/Marina

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Henry Holt & Co

Book Type: chapter book nonfiction

Genre: biography / autobiography

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780805098358

Price: 22.99

Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Terabithia

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


A beautiful special edition copy of a modern classic. Paterson's readers fell in love with these characters long ago and we'll buy any book she writes, knowing it will be a magical, heart-rending tale.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Paterson, Katherine

Illustrator: Diamond, Donna

Publisher: Harper

Book Type: chapter book fiction


Audience: grades 4-6,grades 7-9

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780062658746

Price: 16.99

Honestly Ben

Honestly Ben

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


It's hard to put into words what type of book we have in _Honestly Ben_, especially knowing its the sequel to the well-loved _Openly Straight_. Here we have a unicorn - a rare sequel that's just as good as the original, in which the reader experiences laughter and tears and a complex array of emotions in between while following Ben through his high school days. I find myself recommending this book to John Green readers who are ready for something a bit different, but with the same true-to-teens style of writing that 8th graders appreciate.

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Bill, Konigsberg

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Arthur A. Levine/ Scholastic

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780545858246

Price: 17.99

Muhammad Ali: A Champion is Born

Muhammad Ali: A Champion is Born

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


My first-grade son loves non-fiction and we were so excited to read this book together. I left feeling underwhelmed. Ali was such a creative wordsmith, known for his activism and his way of poetic self-publicizing. This book, though it has gorgeous illustrations and tells Ali's story, didn't capture the legend of Ali in the way one would hope.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Barretta, Gene

Illustrator: Morrision, Frank

Publisher: Katherine Tegen/ HarperCollins

Book Type: picture book nonfiction

Genre: realistic fiction,biography / autobiography

Audience: grades k-3,grades 4-6,grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780062430168

Price: 17.99

Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor, and Loki

Norse Myths: Tales of Odin, Thor, and Loki

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


Gorgeous, stylized illustrations combined with artful tellings of the folklore of Norway. I'll be recommending this book to students who crave graphic novels and/or love comic-based movies.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Crossley-Holland, Kevin

Illustrator: Love, Jeffrey All

Publisher: Candlewick Press

Book Type: picture book nonfiction

Genre: folklore,biography / autobiography

Audience: grades k-3,grades 4-6,grades 7-9,grades 10-12,all ages

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780763695002

Price: -56.01



Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


_Worthy_ will be a popular book for my eighth grade readers because it explores a high school setting rich with social media influence and ripe with relationships, friendships, family issues, and prom.

As an adult reader, I found the motif of worthiness troubling. In _Worthy_, a student named Linden and her classmates discover a high-school specific app that posts pictures of a couple at the school and allows users to rate the worthiness of a girl in the relationship. The idea that the girls are being rated and the boys are not is troublesome, let alone the idea that the app itself promotes such harsh judgment of others. The author hints that adults are clued in to the trouble (bullying, judgment) Worthy app is presenting to its student body, but no adults seem to take action here and the issue isn't addressed.

I found the characters to be too flat for such a troubling topic, particular the characters closest to the protagonist. Her boyfriend Alex and her best friend Nikki should be more fleshed out.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Cooner, Donna

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Point

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: good

ISBN: 9780545903936

Price: 17.99

Game Change

Game Change

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


I've read some of Monninger's adult fiction before and love his New England influence, and many YA readers from Maine will find appeal in his familiar New Hampshire setting.

This YA novel considers several predictable motifs related to high school football : the big championship game, the injured star quarterback, the underdog back-up player, the troubled home life, and the trouble with the girlfriend to name a few. While the plot was predictable, Monninger crafts characters who are fully fleshed out and he uses language to evoke emotion in descriptions of the characters and the setting. I found this book would be a great recommendation for students who are looking for a sports-themed book but who might be ready for a more literary choice than what Lupica and other noted YA sports authors have to offer. Monninger's work elevates the football genre.

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Monninger, Joseph

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: good

ISBN: 9780544531222

Price: -3.01

Code Your Own Pirate Adventure

Code Your Own Pirate Adventure

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: January 9, 2018


A fun, step-by-step exploration of Scratch coding. I found the graphics to be a bit small and cluttered on the page. For young coders, larger and more robust graphics might support their ability to navigate the instructions and practice coding with Scratch. My son (7 years old) and I were able to make some pirate scenes come to life, and he liked learning about coding in this way.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Wainewright, Max

Illustrator: ,

Illustration Quality: good

Publisher: Quarto Library

Book Type: picture book nonfiction


Audience: grades k-3,grades 4-6

Binding Type: library binding

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9781682971826

Price: 23.99

Dear Martin

Dear Martin

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: April 19, 2018


Readers of The Hate U Give will appreciate this take on issues of race in modern America. Prep school student, Justyce, gets caught up in an incident where he is racially profiled by police. Jus grapples with prejudice, classmates, and love while also writing in a journal to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr as a means of examining his race, his life, and his experiences. Classroom discussions in a history class drive much of the plot and allow Stone to share a variety of views related to race, affirmative action, and more.

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Stone, Nic

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Crown Books

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: Choose Binding Type

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 1101939494

Price: 17.99

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daugther

I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daugther

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: April 19, 2018


The daughter of two undocumented immigrants from Mexico, Julia is determined to solve the mysterious circumstances of her older sister's accidental death. Meanwhile, she feels like she's always being compared to her perfect, dead sister, and she makes some mistakes in the eyes of her strict parents. Readers should be prepared for mature content, including sex, suicidal ideation, attempts at suicide, extramarital affairs, and more.

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Sanchez, Erika L.

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Knopf

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: Choose Binding Type

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 1524700487

Price: 17.99



Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: May 21, 2018


In this sci-fi novel by first-time author Carolyn O'Doherty, 16-year-old Alex is one of the Spinners; she can freeze and rewind time, which proves to be a useful skill when it comes to solving crimes. But when she realizes the doctor in charge of the Spinners' care is poisoning them to control their time-control abilities, Alex finds herself in more trouble than she bargained for. While the concept of the book and its plot are fascinating and will likely appeal to middle school readers, the writer's style lacked depth and structure. There were times when the exposition seemed overwrought and overexplained. On the plus side, this book features a strong female lead who outsmarts several bad guys and resolves conflicts in a powerful way. Fans of David Levithan's _Every Day_ and _Another Day_ or Victoria Laurie's _When_ would likely enjoy O'Doherty's debut.

Overall Book Score: fair

About the Book


O'Doherty, Carolyn

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Boyd Mills Press

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: science fiction

Audience: grades 7-9,grades 10-12

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9781629798141

Price: 17.95

The Dangerous Art of Blending In

The Dangerous Art of Blending In

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: June 6, 2018


Greek-American Evan Panos has just turned 18 and he needs to move out. His mother is abusive and his father avoids confronting the issues tearing the family apart. Evan's mother becomes increasingly abusive just as Evan begins to consider his sexuality and question his faith. Because this novel confronts identity, self-discovery, and finding personal power, it will appeal to readers who appreciate coming-of-age stories, especially those with LGBQT+ motifs.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Surmelis, Angelo

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Balzer + Bray - an Imprint of HarperCollins

Book Type: Choose Book Type

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 10-12

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: very good

ISBN: 9780062659002

Price: 17.99

When My Heart Joins the Thousand

When My Heart Joins the Thousand

Reviewed by: Noelle Gallant - Saco Middle School, Saco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: September 14, 2018


A relationship develops between strangers when a foster-care runaway sees a fragile young man toss his cell phone into a pond at a park near her home.

17-year-old Alvie recovers Stanley's phone and offers to return it to him in an email, and an online relationship develops. The two eventually meet in person, and readers realize Alvie like falls on the Aspergers/Autism spectrum and Stanley suffers from physical challenges of his own. The closer the two get, the more Alvie struggles, and she eventually cuts off ties with Stanley, loses her job, and becomes homeless. The two eventually reconnect and their relationship becomes stronger despite their individual faults. This book's strengths lie in the development of the characters, particularly Alvie in flashbacks to her upsetting childhood and her relationship with her mother.

This book would appeal to high school readers and would not be appropriate for middle school due to sexual content and some troubling family scenes.

Overall Book Score: very good

About the Book


Steiger, A.J.

Illustrator: ,

Publisher: Harper Teen / Harper Collins

Book Type: chapter book fiction

Genre: realistic fiction

Audience: grades 10-12

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 9780062656476

Price: 17.99