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Three Mouths of Little Tom Drum
Three Mouths of Little Tom Drum
Reviewed by: Kathy George - Gray Public Library, Gray, Southern Maine Library District
Review Date: October 12, 2015
Nancy Willard has written an original fairy tale of Little Tom Drum, who so loves strawberry pie that he has to have a tiny slice of the pie his mother has made for his birthday. She agrees to let him have a very small slice, but during the night he sneaks down for yet another piece. He is caught in the act by his mother and to her horror- Little Tom Drum has not one mouth, but a total of 3! After his parents initial reaction they decide to cancel his party and not send him to school for fear of others reaction to his predicament. A tutor is hired and tom becomes an excellent student with a passion for inventing things. The day after his 9th birthday a package arrives - a wishing machine to be assembled. Hopeful to get his old face back, Tom assembles the machine but nothing happens, though the fine print states that his wish has been received. While he waits he invents the most remarkable things for those who come to him with problems and his face doesn't seem to bother them. Of course, by the end of the story he receives his wish and he has gained the love and friendship of all those he has helped though he never again does want "one more piece." A cautionary tale of both what happens when you want too much but also how what we perceive as a disfigurement or flaw sets you on a different path that you might not have chosen. Kevin Hawkes' creativity in illustration adds to the text and gives it a whimsical feel to this tale.
Overall Book Score: very good
About the Book
Willard, Nancy
Illustrator: Hawkes, Kevin
Illustration Quality: excellent
Publisher: Candlewick
Book Type: picture book fiction
Audience: preschool,grades k-3
Binding Type: reinforced trade binding
Binding Quality: excellent
ISBN: 9780763654764
Price: 16.99
This Book's Maine Connection: Maine illustrator