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Maine Stories

Mainers confronting climate change threats

Mainers from every corner of the state are stepping up to the climate challenge. Practical, creative and trailblazing teachers, bus drivers, students, communities, recent graduates and professional athletes alike are taking action to get ahead of the climate curve. Read their stories.

Karina Graeter and Abbie Sherwin

On the Front Lines of Southern Maine Climate Resiliency with Karina Graeter + Abbie Sherwin

Karina Graeter and Abbie Sherwin are on the front lines of climate resiliency with the Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission in coastal York County, where rising sea levels portend serious economic and environmental damage. As Sustainability Coordinator and Senior Planner & Coastal Resilience Coordinator, respectively, they work collaboratively with several coastal towns on resiliency strategies, a regional approach the Climate Action Plan endorses as a model for other communities to consider.

What inspires you to do this work?

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Travis Ritchie, a STEM teacher at Geiger Middle School in Lewiston

Lewiston STEM Teacher & Co-founder of Maine EV Association Helps Mainers Flip the Switch

Travis Ritchie, a STEM teacher at Geiger Middle School in Lewiston, is co-founder of the Maine Electric Vehicle Association (a community of EV enthusiasts) and a former EV mechanic. He leads “EV 101” seminars for prospective EV owners looking to flip the switch — which Maine will need to reach projected EV targets for curbing greenhouse gas emissions.

Why does an EV make sense for you?

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