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Temporary Bridge Cost Share Program
This project is funded through a grant from the USDA Forest Service.

The Maine Forest Service announces a new cost share program to help loggers and other interested forestry professionals purchase temporary bridges for use on forestry operations. Eligible applicants will be reimbursed for 80% of costs, up to a maximum of $2,000 per bridge, for the purchase or construction of up to three new wooden temporary bridges for use on timber harvests in Maine.
For timber harvesting operations, using portable bridges for temporary stream crossings is one of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to cross streams. In addition, temporary bridges that are properly installed and removed after use do not cause negative impacts to streams such as chronic sedimentation, damage to the stream banks or channel, or barriers to the movement of fish and other aquatic wildlife.
Who is eligible to apply?
Timber harvesting and forestry service providers based in Maine. Eligible applicants include logging contractors, private consulting foresters, and companies employing licensed foresters. Program funds are limited and applications will be accepted and reviewed on a quarterly basis for as long as funding is available. Preference will be given to sole proprietors and companies with fewer than 11 employees.
How does the program work?
The process for receiving cost-share funding involves a one-page application, approval process, and documentation once you have purchased or built a bridge or bridges that meet specifications. Approved applicants will then be reimbursed for up to 80% of the cost of the bridge(s), up to $6000 (maximum $2000 per bridge):
- Apply by requesting a paper application. Make sure you indicate how many bridges you are applying for (maximum of 3 bridges). Make sure you understand the minimum specifications for bridges – See the specs sheet available here.
- WAIT to receive an approval package from MFS. MFS will confirm eligibility and approve the first round of applications received after January 31. (If funding allows there will be further application periods).
- Once you’ve received an approval letter, buy or build a bridge that meets specifications. Make sure to keep an invoice(s) to submit. You must verify that have paid for the bridge(s) IN FULL to be eligible for reimbursement.
- Send in the final claim for payment forms and a copy of the invoice to MFS. Once the paperwork is submitted and complete, MFS will mail you a check for the reimbursement amount.
The first application period will be from December 8, 2023 through January 31, 2024. Applications will be accepted on a quarterly basis for as long as funds are available.
For more information visit MFS Temporary Bridge Cost Share Program or contact Tom Gilbert at (207) 441-5282 or thomas.gilbert@maine.gov.