Planning Data

Upon request from a town's comprehensive planning committee, we will collect and share certain state agency data that are appropriate and useful to towns undertaking a comprehensive planning effort. Towns should be certain to get on our resource package list in advance of needing the data. Most data is now available on the Comprehensive Plan Data Portal and Mapping Services. Our practice is to issue each town's resource package no more than 18 months. If your community is interested, or if you need additional information on Comprehensive Planning Data Sets, please contact Tom Miragliuolo or Ashley Gamache.

Spring 2025

Comprehensive Plan Data Portal and Mapping Services.
Additional data for the below towns will be posted here in late April 2025.
Bradley | Buxton | Caribou | Corinth | Cranberry Isles | Cumberland | Danforth | Dixmont | Freedom | Gardiner | Garland | Hartford | Isle au Haut | Kittery | Limestone | Lincolnville | Livermore | Machias | Madison | Norridgewock | North Haven | Old Town | Phippsburg | Sanford | Sedgwick | Solon | St. George | Stockton Springs | Stonington | Stow | Sullivan | Unity | Verona Island | Weld | Wilton | Windsor

Fall 2024

Comprehensive Plan Data Portal and Mapping Services.
Albion | Auburn | Bristol | Brownville | Castle Hill | Chapman | Dexter | Hancock | Jackson | Lake View Plantation | Mapleton | Millinocket | Montville | Mount Vernon | Old Orchard Beach | Palermo | Patten | Roque Bluffs | Springfield | Stetson | Sweden | Warren | Winter Harbor

Spring 2024

Comprehensive Plan Data Portal and Mapping Services.
Arrowsic | Beals | Belgrade | Bradford | Buckfield | Cambridge | Corinna | Crystal | Cutler | Dixfield | Farmingdale | Greenville | Guilford | Howland | Lovell | Lyman | Manchester | Monroe | Mount Desert | Orono | Patten | Stockholm | Temple | Thorndike | Van Buren | Washington | Winn

Fall 2023

Beals | Bowdoinham | Brighton Plantation | Cranberry Isles | Eustis | Gouldsboro | Greene | Houlton | Jay | Kingfield | Knox | Limington | Lincolnville | Manchester | New Vineyard | Newry | Rangeley | Roxbury | Rumford | Sabattus | Searsmont | Sorrento | Waltham | West Gardiner | Woodland

Spring 2023

Bath | Biddeford | Cambridge | Carrabassett Valley | Chelsea | Danforth | Deer Isle | Edgecomb | Franklin | Isle au Haut | Naples | Old Orchard Beach | Perham | Phippsburg | Pittsfield | Sanford | Scarborough | Sedgwick | Standish | Wiscasset

Fall 2022

Baldwin | Bangor | Bingham | Boothbay Harbor | Brunswick | Eliot | Ellsworth | Enfield | Freeport | Hancock | Hermon | Howland | Lincoln | Livermore Falls | Newport | Ogunquit | Prospect | Raymond | South Berwick | Southwest Harbor | Stonington | Sullivan | Surry | Warren | Waterville | Winn | Winthrop | Yarmouth

Spring 2022

Alexander | Blue Hill | Bridgton | Caribou | Cumberland | Cutler | Eustis | Falmouth | Hollis | Lincolnville | Lowell | Mount Desert | New Sharon | Northfield | Paris | Penobscot | Rumford | Sabattus | Sorrento | Trenton | Wilton | Winter Harbor

Fall 2021

Appleton | Beals | Bowdoinham | Bradley | Bristol | Chesterville | Clifton | Corinth | Damariscotta | Hampden | Hiram | Jackson | Lubec | Mexico | Milford | Nobleboro | Old Orchard Beach | Orland | Phippsburg | Wales | Waltham | Washington | Weld | West Bath | Woodland

Spring 2021

Belmont | Brooklin | Casco | Castine | China | Eliot | Gouldsboro | Kennebunkport | Mechanic Falls | Ogunquit | Pownal | Rangeley | Rome | Sanford | Shapleigh | Surry | Sweden | Wells | West Paris | York

Fall 2020

Andover | Belfast | Brooks | Brownfield | Cutler | Freeport | Jonesport | Kennebunk | Long Island | Lovell | Norway | Presque Isle | Saco | South Portland | Stow | Tremont | Wiscasset

Spring 2020

Amherst | Auburn | Bar Harbor | Bowdoin | Bowdoinham | Bristol | Brooksville | Brunswick | Carrabassett Valley | Dedham | Ellsworth | Hampden | Harpswell | Hiram | Island Falls | Kennebunk | Mount Desert | New Gloucester | New Sharon | Newport | Parsonsfield | Phippsburg | Poland | Porter | Readfield | Rockport | Skowhegan | Sorrento | Sullivan

Fall 2019

Addison | Bath | Belfast | Berwick | Canton | Caratunk | Cutler | Denmark | Dixfield | Island Falls | Jonesport | Kennebunkport | Kingsbury Plantation | Lincoln | Machias | Nobleboro | North Haven | Otis | Saco | Sanford | West Bath | York

Spring 2019

Acton | Alna | Appleton | Augusta | Biddeford | Bowdoin | Bremen | Brownfield | Caribou | Cornish | Falmouth | Fayette | Hallowell | Jackman | Jackson | Lebanon | Limerick | Mexico | New Sweden | Orland | Perham | Peru | Sabattus | Sidney | Waldoboro | Wells | Westport Island | Wilton | Winslow | Wiscasset  

Fall 2018

Bradley | Brooksville | Brunswick | Buckfield | Clinton | Danforth | Deer Isle | Durham | East Millinocket | Gouldsboro | Hallowell | Lisbon | Medway | Millinocket | Minot | Monson | Newry | Old Orchard Beach | Poland | Southwest Harbor | Tremont | Unity | Verona Island | West Bath

Spring 2018

Belfast | Belmont | Benton | Berwick | China | Columbia | Eliot | Georgetown | Gray | Harpswell | Kennebunkport | Kingfield | Lamoine | Monmouth | New Sharon | North Yarmouth | Ogunquit | Oxford | Pownal | Rockland | Rumford | Swans Island | Turner | York

Fall 2017

Biddeford | Bremen | Clifton | Denmark | Eddington | Hiram | Hollis | Knox | Lebanon | Monhegan | Mount Vernon | New Gloucester | Nobleboro | Oakland | Penobscot | Rockport | Searsport | Sorrento | Waldoboro | Washburn | Washington | Westport | Wiscasset

Spring 2017

Amherst | Augusta | Brunswick | Clifton | East Millinocket | Islesboro | Lisbon | Millinocket | New Sweden | Newcastle | Newfield | Northport | Scarborough | Somerville | Temple | Thomaston | Topsham

Fall 2016

Belfast | Buxton | Cape Elizabeth | Columbia Falls | Cutler | Durham | Fayette | Frey Island | Georgetown | Houlton | Medway| North Yarmouth | Orland | Passadumkeag | Patten | Perham | Plymouth | Presque Isle | Saco | St. George | Stockton Springs | Unity | Whiting

Spring 2016

Alfred | Biddeford | Harpswell | Kingsbury Plantation | Lamoine | Lovell | New Sweden | Newfield | Ogunquit | Stonington | Washington | Wells | Windham | Winter Harbor

Fall 2015

Amherst | Aurora | Bowdoin | Chebeague Island | Clinton | Columbia | Easport | Frenchboro | Great Pond | Hermon | Isle au Haut | Kennebunk | Lyman | Sanford | Searsport | Somerville | Stow | Topsham | Union | Veazie | West Bath

Spring 2015

Belfast | Benton | Blue Hill | Bremen | Bucksport | Camden | Cherryfield | Clifton | Cumberland | Dayton | Denmark | Ellsworth | Friendship | Gorham | Hartland | Hollis | Milo | New Canada | Newcastle | Northport | Old Town | Orland | Patten | Portland | Richmond | Rockland | Rockport | Temple | Waldoboro | Whitefield | Windham

Fall 2014

Dover-Foxcroft | Enfield | Hancock | Highland Plantation | Hope | Kingsbury Plantation | Lamoine | Porter | Roque Bluffs | Shapleigh

Spring 2014

Ashland | Belmont | Berwick | Biddeford | Bustins Island | Charleston | Corinna | Dresden | Greenville | Guilford | Kittery | Livermore Falls | Lyman | Morrill | Ogunquit | Portage Lake | Presque Isle | Searsport | Somerville | St. Albans | Stonington | Veazie | Wells

Fall 2013

Amherst | Andover | Aurora | Bremen | Bucksport | Cumberland | Easton | Fayette | Gray | Great Pond | New Portland | Stetson | Whitefield | Windham

Spring 2013

Alfred | Bethel | Bingham | Brewer | Buxton | Caribou | Damariscota | Ellworth | Farmington | Fryeberg | Hancock | Lamoine | Lebanon | Matinicus | Mexico | Oxford | Porter | Temple | Unity | Wayne | Winter Harbor

Fall 2012

Data needed for all municipalities

Specific municipal data (.zip files vary from 17MB to 60MB)

Ashland | Auburn | Baileyville | Boothbay | Bradford | Bridgton | Corinna | Fairfield | Frenchville | Frye Island | Gardiner | Guilford | Hebron | Indian Township | Kingfield | Madawaska | Madison | Monroe | Morrill | New Vinyard | Newfield | Owls Head | Parkman | Portage Lake | Princeton | Richmond | Somerville | St. Agatha | Thomaston | Wells

Other Data Sets

The Municipal Planning Assistance Program has compiled hundreds of resource packages for communities. See a list of communities that have received MPAP resource packages and when their packages were last provided.

Additional Planning Data

Demographic and Economic Information

  • Maine has 22 cities, 433 towns, 34 plantations, 3 Indian reservations and 423 unorganized townships.
  • State of the Cities Data Systems - Provides a wide variety of demographic and economic data, including building permit and public finance data for individual Metropolitan Areas, Central Cities, and Suburbs. (US Department of Housing and Urban Development)

Geographic-Based Information (Geographic Information Systems)

  • Maine GIS Internet Mapping - Free public access to internet mapping applications hosted by the Maine Office of GIS.
  • Maine GIS Data Catalogue - Catalogue of available digital geographic data from the Maine Office of GIS.
  • Beginning with Habitat - The Beginning with Habitat initiative can create a series of maps showing the locations of valuable plant and animal habitats in your town.
  • Maine DEP Mapping - excellent data available to both GIS and Google Earth users.

Historic Maps

Resources for Reducing Water Pollution

Maine's Department of Environmental Protection has produced numerous guides and handbooks for homeowners, commercial business owners, camp road associations, and anyone else wishing to reduce pollution in our waterbodies.  The DEP has compiled many of these handbooks, for easy access, on their Manuals and Guides to Reduce Water Pollution webpage.  The page includes a description of each publication, a small color photo of each publication cover, contact information, and links to electronic versions, if available.

State Review Consistency Status

In accordance with state statute (Title 30-A, §4347-A), DACF reviews comprehensive plans and growth management programs for consistency with the goals and guidelines of the Act. Municipalities voluntarily submit their comprehensive plans and growth management programs to DACF for review. As the lead agency, DACF coordinates its findings with the input of 10 other state agencies. Each agency, including DACF, reviews the comprehensive plan or growth management program for consistency with appropriate state and federal rules and regulations, as well as agency policies and programs. (DACF relies on the Comprehensive Plan Review Criteria Rule, Chapter 208 to guide the consistency review findings.)