Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPublic Water SystemsForms for Download

DWP Forms for Download

Click on a link below to view forms relative to that heading.

Note: All forms are in PDF format unless otherwise indicated.

Capacity Development

Drinking Water Orders

Emergency Response


Laboratory Accreditation

Lead & Copper

Level Assessments

Monthly Operating Reports

New System Approval

Professional Licensure


Seasonal Public Water Systems

Source Protection

Subsurface Wastewater

Synthetic Organic Chemicals (SOC)

System Changes

Well Drilling

‘Fillable’ PDF Forms

Some of the forms on this page can be printed and completed by hand or filled-in using your computer (specific PDFs only).

  • To ensure all functions operate properly, the forms should be downloaded, then opened and completed using Adobe® Reader.  Click here to download and install the application.  This is a safe and free download from Adobe®.
  • IMPORTANT: If using the ‘fillable PDF’ option on a PC, do not attempt to complete these forms in a web browser such as Chrome or Edge, as some functions may not be available.  Mac users may find those functions work best when the form has been opened in the Safari browser.

To use PDF forms on your computer, simply follow these easy steps:

  1. Download the form and save it to your computer, either on your desktop or in a folder you can easily access.
  2. Open the blank form at its location on your computer using the PDF Reader.
  3. ‘Save As’, re-naming the form using pertinent information that will help identify the document in the future (e.g., permit number, issue date, client name/address, etc.).
  4. Using your computer keyboard, fill-in all applicable fields; use the TAB key to navigate through the document.
  5. Click ‘Save’.
    You may return to the form at a later time to revise and/or complete your work. Be sure to 'Save' subsequent additions/revisions.
  6. Print for signature and/or mailing, or attach to an email for electronic submittal.

If you have questions about any DWP forms or documentation, please contact your PWS Inspector or call the Drinking Water Program at (207) 287-2070.

Updated 1/24/2025