Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment 2022-2025 Timeline

The Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment takes place over three years from 2022 to 2025.

In 2022, hospitals adopt their health improvement plans, a quality improvement process takes place to review community engagement materials from the previous assessment cycle, and the memorandum of understanding is reviewed and renewed between the parties.

Plans for data analysis and community and stakeholder engagement are made in 2023 and a request for proposals is released for vendors to assist with data analysis and community engagement in late summer or fall of 2023. Vendors are in place by early 2024.

Data is compiled and analyzed in the winter and spring of 2024, while community engagement takes place from the spring through the fall. Stakeholders are engaged to prioritize health needs and recommend actions in late fall and community health needs assessments are drafted and finalized in the winter and spring of 2024, with any data updates occurring at that time. Health improvement planning is conducted by the hospitals, state, and community action programs through the rest of the year, along with another review of community engagement materials.