Development & Training

The Office of Child and Family Services’ Children's Behavioral Health Services (CBHS) division collaborates with community providers to provide Behavioral Health Services to Maine youth aged 0-21. CBHS supports providers by providing training to enhance the skills of staff in accessing the most appropriate services for the youth of Maine.

Trainings on this page are designed to assist providers in improving their awareness and understanding of the behavioral health services available to youth in Maine. Web based trainings focusing on services offered to youth with behavioral health needs can be found on this page.

Printable Tools & Guides for Providers


Behavioral Health Professional (BHP)

BHP training and certification is required for direct care providers working in Children’s Behavioral Health Services, either in the school or home/community setting, in programs receiving MaineCare reimbursement for section 28 RCS, 28 RCS Specialized, and 65 HCT or Day Treatment Services. Woodfords Family Services administers the Behavioral Health Professional Training & Certificate Program for the State of Maine. OCFS has partnered with Woodfords Family Services to offer a BHP Training and Certificate program

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Other Qualified Mental Health Professional (OQMHP-PNMI) Certification Process

OQMHP are professionals employed by children’s PNMI providers who have a contract with the Department to provide children’s residential treatment services in Maine. More information on requirements and the certification process is available here.

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Understanding HCT, RCS and the Referral Management Process

This presentation will focus on providing an opportunity to:

  • Develop an awareness of Children's Levels of Care
  • Increase understanding of Home and Community Treatment Services (HCT)
  • Increase understanding of Rehabilitative and Community Services (RCS)
  • Enhance knowledge of how to access the most appropriate treatment services

Please watch the webinar (Powerpoint)

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Functional Family Therapy (FFT)

This presentation will focus on providing an opportunity to:

  • Develop an awareness of Children's Levels of Service Intensity
  • Increase understanding of Functional Family Therapy (FFT)
  • Increase awareness of the population best treated by Functional Family Therapy
  • Develop familiarity with the referral process for Functional Family Therapy
  • Enhance knowledge of how to access the right treatment services, for the right treatment need at the right time.

Please watch the webinar (YouTube)

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Children's Residential Care Facility (CRCF) Services

This webinar provides a brief overview of some of the new standards and processes for Residential Care Facility Services.

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CRCF Aftercare Support Services

This webinar provides an overview and answers questions specific to Aftercare Support Services.

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CRCF-Rights of Recipients and Reportable Events

This YouTube webinar provides information about reportable events and rights of recipients specific to CRCF settings.

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Mandated Reporter Training

Many professionals are considered Mandated Reporters under Maine statue and are required to be trained at least every four years. More information (including training resources) is available here

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Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard

The Reasonable and Prudent Parenting Standard is defined as careful and sensible parental decisions that maintain a child’s health, safety, and best interest while at the same time encouraging the child’s emotional development and growth. Caregivers (including residential care facilities) must use this standard when determining whether to allow a child to participate in extracurricular, enrichment, and social activities. 

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Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Triple P-Positive Parenting Program

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MATCH Training - Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems

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Multidimensional Family Therapy

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Child and Adolescent Needs & Strengths (CANS)

The CANS is a multi-purpose information integration tool that is designed to the output of an assessment process. The purpose of the MAINE CANS is to accurately represent the shared vision of the child/youth serving system—children, youth, and families.  The MAINE CANS will support decision making, including level of care and treatment planning, for the child/youth, family and others involved in planning process.

For questions regarding the PRAED Foundation and CANS online training call 1-872-216-6658

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Trauma-Informed Webinars and Information

These webinars, assessment, and resources may be used as part of a provider’s efforts to become trauma-informed.

Completion of the OCFS Trauma-Informed 101 presentation, along with passing the quiz on this training website, will meet state requirements for annual training of trauma-informed care practices.  The goals for this training are:

  • To create shared language around the definition of trauma,
  • To provide shared knowledge regarding some common concepts that come into play in the field of trauma-informed care, and
  • To provide a set of shared values by way of reviewing the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s 6 Key Principles of a trauma-informed approach. 
  • To help you begin thinking about how you might implement quality trauma-informed care within your own organization and practice.

Please watch the webinar, then return to this page and complete the quiz.

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Youth Outcomes (Y-OQ)


Y-OQ is a measure of treatment progress for children and adolescents (ages 4-17) receiving mental health intervention and is meant to track actual change in functioning.  The State of Maine has adopted the use of the Y-OQ for its Children’s Home and Community Treatment (HCT) service.  The Y-OQ was developed by Dr. Michael Lambert and Dr. Gary Burlingame with more information available at:

New Providers

  • Fill out the initial agency information sheet (Word).
  • Contact your local Resource Coordinator. Their names and contact information are available here.
  • You will receive an email from OQ Measures with links to online training and certification resources.
  • When certification is complete, you will have access to Y-OQ online
  • Make sure you read the Maine Y-OQ Clinician Manual (PDF)


Tools and Resources

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For System of Care Providers

Please click on the link to view a brief instructional video for completing the National Outcome Measures (NOMs) tool. This is a training designed to support providers who are enrolling youth in the Empower ME System of Care grant. It is not a requirement of any other providers. NOMs Instructional Video

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