- Which gifted and talented class was your favorite class?
- In general, the pace of the classes (how quickly the teacher moved through the content) was (choose one):
too fast challenging appropriate too slow
- In general, what was the level of difficulty of the reading material?
too difficult challenging appropriate too easy
- In general, what was the level of difficulty of writing assignments or projects?
too difficult challenging appropriate too easy
- Did taking the gifted and talented classes improve your ability to become a self directed learner?
not really somewhat very much
- Do you wish the gifted and talented classes were longer or shorter, and why?
- The amount of work assigned to you in the gifted and talented program was
too much just right not enough
- Was the teacher interested in your needs and interests?
- What is your least favorite part of the gifted and talented program?
- If you could change up to three things about the gifted and talented program, what would it be?