Next Generation Science Standards


Students work in a science lab

Maine is one of 26 states taking the lead in developing a new set of academic standards that will define the science concepts and content students will need to learn to be successful in the workforce, economy and society of the coming decades.

The Next Generation Science Standards will be shared among the states and will allow students and teachers to focus more on learning ideas related to science and engineering while doing science rather than by fact memorization.

The development of the new science standards is a collaborative, state-led venture coordinated by Achieve Inc., a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization. The process involves educators, state science officials, scientists, engineers, business leaders and university faculty members. Development of the standards is expected to be complete by the end of the first quarter of 2013.

"A Framework for K-12 Science Education," a document developed by the National Research Council, will form the basis for the Next Generation Science Standards. As a lead state in this initiative, Maine will benefit from significant technical assistance and support in implementing the standards once developed.

Have Your Say - Draft Standards Released

A second and final draft of the Next Generation Science Standards will be released to the public the first week in January 2013. Educators and others will have a chance to review this draft and offer feedback during January.

  • Details of the Release. Find out how you can review the draft standards and offer your feedback.
  • NGSS Fact Sheet. Summary of the case for NGSS, differences between NGSS and past standards, and key benchmarks in the development process.

Related Links

  • Create an NGSS Study Group. Download the National Science Teachers Association’s guide to forming an NGSS study group.
  • Maine selected to lead effort on new science standards. The press release announcing Maine's role in the development of the Next Generation Science Standards.
  • NGSS Design. NGSS combines three dimensions to define being proficient in science.
  • NGSS Development Process. This two-step process was used to develop the Next Generation Science Standards.
  • The national website of the Next Generation Science Standards details the standards development process, answers frequently asked questions, and will offer educators resources on implementing the standards once they're developed.
  • Read the Framework. Download a copy of "A Framework for K-12 Science Education" from the website of the National Academies Press.
  • Stay on top of standards developments. Maine DOE's Anita Bernhardt uses the SciTech Framework blog to update the public on Next Generation Science Standards news.


Shari Templeton
Science & Technology Specialist