Does that mean I have to order an entire year's worth of food all at once?
Yes the district would order USDA products for the entire school year. This would not include the fresh products or and specials we may be able to obtain. But most of it will be ordered August/September.
Is USDA planning to deliver what they choose of it per month?
Once you have placed your yearly order you will tell us what month and how many you want product delivered. This way menus still can be planned. You will know in September what is coming in in January so you can better budget your PAL. This is the first year for this process and will take some adjustment and learning for everyone.
Will I have a whole freezer load of food left over at the end of the year?
Your inventory should be no different than past years. It is how you manage your purchasing.
Since school does no start before Sept. 1, how can I make the Sept. 1st deadline to place annual order?
If you do not get into your school prior to September first that is something we will need to consider with the programmers and planning. How do you order food for the first day of school? This could be part of that process.
How do I know what to order?
Products you order from USDA are listed by month going back several years. This information is available to you and you may find helpful. Steps to find and work with the information will be posted on the web.
What about training?
Training will be provided in 9 different regions at no cost. Attend as many as you want in any location. Dates and registration information are on the Department's training calendar.
I already have a NEO Id and password, will I need to get another one?
No we will just need to know to add Nutrition to your permissions.