Measure What Matters: The Expanding View of Educational Excellence in Maine

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The Measure What Matters initiative began in 2024 with the purpose of reexamining what educational excellence looks like in Maine – in addition to, and beyond, standardized test scores. The Maine Department of Education (DOE) partnered with Battelle for Kids to foster statewide engagement, allowing Mainers to provide input on what it means to be a successful, well-prepared, and future-ready student in the 21st century. The ultimate product of this initiative, a report titled "Measure What Matters: The Expanding View of Educational Excellence in Maine," provides key takeaways for a developing shared vision of what makes a great school in Maine. 

Highlights of the Measure What Matters initiative include an emphasis on holistic student development, equity in access to quality education, collaboration among schools and the community, and innovative learning models. The Maine DOE and Battelle for Kids hosted 19 listening sessions throughout the spring, summer, and fall of 2024, in which hundreds of educators, parents, students, business leaders, and community members shared their thoughts about what makes a school truly great. Additionally, nearly a hundred one-on-one interviews were conducted with educators, students, and policymakers. The information gathered from the voices of these Mainers representing the entire state contributed to the final report.  

“Measure What Matters: The Expanding View of Educational Excellence in Maine” was finalized in January of 2025.


The Maine DOE plans to continue its engagement with educational leaders statewide through this report, working to determine how Maine can reflect a modern, inclusive, and forward-thinking educational system that prepares its students for the opportunities and challenges of the future.