Teachers’ and Educators’ Corner

Teaching about nature is a vital component to connect people with wildlife and wild places. As teachers and educators, you already do so much to work toward building skills and knowledge in our youth and communities. Here at Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife we want to help you incorporate nature and wild lessons into your already existing curriculum and lessons. These resources are available to help you create meaningful connections to nature, help nurture a sense of awareness and responsible behavior, and increase knowledge, skills, and a commitment to wildlife and wild places. Whether you are a school teacher, daycare provider, nature center employee, sportsmen club member, scout leader, or another interested educator, these resources are here for you.

Outreach Requests

Inland Fisheries and Wildlife staff have many different skills and knowledge from wardens to biologists and in between.  These field staff are often asked to attend, speak, and present at fairs, shows, special events, and classes. If you are interested in having MDIFW staff attend your event or speak to your group, please reach out to us using the form below.

Some suggested topics:

  • Fisheries or wildlife biology and management
  • Habitat management (reasons and methods used)
  • Career experiences of MDIFW staff
  • Natural science of fish and wildlife of Maine

For all outreach requests, please fill out this Outreach and Education Request Form.

Please keep in mind that requests less than a month out can be hard to plan around field work and other commitments, and sometimes of year are harder than others. If you have additional questions, please email education.IFW@maine.gov

Educational Trip Leader Permit

Are you interested in leading outdoor educational trips for your school, college, or university that would otherwise require a registered Maine guide? Learn more about educational trip leader permits, the application process, and more.

Additional Resources

There are many great resources on the MDIFW webpage, but here are a few suggested areas to use with your classes or group.

  • Participate in a Community Science project! There are many ways that you and your students can be a part of real scientific research.
  • Learn about fish and wildlife and how different species are managed. This information can be used to help with reports, scout badges, in science class, language arts, and other interdisciplinary units. This is also a great page to learn more about wildlife that you might have on your property.
  • Habitat Outreach Program. Take a look at habitats of different species across the state of Maine with this interactive map as part of the Beginning with Habitat program.  This could be part of a local conservation learning project or even specific species for a school project, scout badge, or personal learning opportunity.
  • Learn about or visit a Wildlife Management Areas. Did you know that there are several wildlife management areas across Maine that you can visit to take a closer look at different habitats and animal species. Just check each site's rules, regulations, and suggested activities before visiting. Also do a pre-visit before taking a group out. For questions call 207-287-8000 or find your local wildlife office.
  • Check out our blog to learn more about Maine's fish, wildlife, wild places, and outdoor activities.
  • Listen to the Department’s podcast, Fish + Game Changers, at mefishwildlfie.com/changers.
  • Learn more about Maine's wildlife on our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/mefishwildlife