Public Sector Workplace Safety & Health

The Maine Department of Labor enforces occupational safety and health regulations in public sector workplaces, including: state, county and municipal workplaces; public schools, colleges and universities; and quasi-government agencies such as water districts.

What is the Maine Board of Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH)

The Maine Board of Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) is a ten member board of Maine residents, appointed by the Governor to staggered four year terms, that is charged with formulating, adopting, and enforcing occupational safety and health standards for the public sector that, at a minimum, conform to Federal standards. BOSH is also charged with holding adjudicatory hearings for labor standard violations, in which BOSH will issue a decision approving, disapproving, or modifying a citation or penalty levied by the Maine Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Standards. BOSH is required to meet twice per year, but its practice has been to meet quarterly.

More information about BOSH: Duties and Powers of BOSH (PDF)

Upcoming BOSH Meetings

2024 Schedule

  • Wednesday, June 5th
  • Wednesday, September 4th
  • Wednesday, December 4th

All meetings start at 10:00 AM

BOSH Work Rules

Ch. 1 Procedural Rules (Word)

Ch. 2 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry Employment in the Public Sector (Word)

Ch. 3 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Construction Industry Employment in the Public Sector (Word)

Ch. 4 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Firefighting in the Public Sector (Word)

Ch. 5 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Public Safety Diving (Word)

Ch. 6 Recording Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in the Public Sector (Word)

Ch. 7 Minimum Driver Training Requirements for Fire Apparatus (Word)

Ch. 8 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Whistleblower/Discrimination in the Public Sector (Word)

Ch. 9 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Issuing Variances in the Public Sector (Word)

Ch. 10 Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Section 1908 Consultation Guidelines in the Public Sector (Word)

Safety and Health

Public safety and health rules are developed by the Maine Board of Occupational Safety and Health. They generally follow but are not necessarily identical to OSHA regulations covering private sector employers.

Emergency Notification - (207) 592-4501 or accident.bls@maine.govPublic sector employers are required to report all work related fatalities, or injuries or illnesses where one or more public sector employees is admitted to a medical facility. Statute for fatality and injury reporting criteria.
Please see “Safety Laws and Regulations” below for additional information


The Maine Department of Labor conducts workplace inspections of public sector worksites. Under state law, Maine Department of Labor Public Sector Enforcement Officers may enter a workplace to examine conditions that may affect the safety or health of employees.

Penalty Discussion Guidance

If an employer has been issued with a citation and wishes to reduce the fine, it may request a penalty discussion.However, the amount should only be reduced in exceptional circumstances.

Maine public sector workplaces can get free, voluntary, non-enforcement safety and health training or consultation from SafetyWorks!

If you are an employee of a state agency, county government, a municipality, or any division thereof, a water district, sewer district, school district or any other quasi-municipal agency and want to report a safety or health violation, or believe the employer has discriminated or retaliated against you for reporting an unsafe condition, to file an online complaint or visit the Complaint Form web page for additional information.