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LD 2247 -- SP0847

An Act to Fund the Collective Bargaining Agreements and Benefits of Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining and for Certain Employees Excluded from Collective Bargaining. (GOVERNOR'S BILL).

Presented By: Senator MICHAUD of Penobscot
Cosponsored By: Representative TOWNSEND of Portland and Senators: DOUGLASS of Androscoggin, HARRIMAN of Cumberland, MILLS of Somerset, Representatives: BERRY of Livermore, HATCH of Skowhegan, KNEELAND of Easton, TREADWELL of Carmel.
Public Hearing: None. OTP-AM Accepted 06/04/99.
Amended By: CA S-415.
Final Disposition: Emergency Enacted, Signed 06/09/99, PUBLIC LAWS, Chapter 454.

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