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LD 2248 -- SP0848

An Act to Fund the Collective Bargaining Agreements and Benefits of Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining and for Certain Employees Excepted from Collective Bargaining for the Judicial Branch. (GOVERNOR'S BILL).

Presented By: Senator LONGLEY of Waldo
Cosponsored By: Representative THOMPSON of Naples and Senators: BENOIT of Franklin, TREAT of Kennebec, Representatives: LaVERDIERE of Wilton, MADORE of Augusta, PLOWMAN of Hampden, SCHNEIDER of Durham.
Public Hearing: None. OTP-AM Accepted 06/04/99.
Amended By: CA S-414.
Final Disposition: Emergency Enacted, Signed 06/09/99, P & S LAWS, Chapter 34.

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